Saturday, June 5, 2010

Work on getting this place clean!

I'm not sure how long the Internet is going to stay with me tonight because it is raining. I'm not even going to try and post any pictures - and they would have to be some from yesterday or the day before since we stayed home today and I cleaned this place from the top to the bottom. Windows - window sills - floors - microwave - refrigerator - shower stall - you name it, I cleaned it today! I also got the laundry caught up and made egg salad for our lunch next week.

Tonight Dan fixed a pork loin on the grill and I fixed mashed potatoes and a green tossed salad for dinner. After cleaning up the kitchen it was off to do our rounds (oh, that's something else I got done today - I got all the paperwork for the Forestry Service caught up and our expense report for the month of May ready to turn in). Came home and did tonight's report and the weekly report and now I'm going to get the blog done - then I'm going to crash and just chill for a while before heading for bed. I think I'll take a shower before going in to bed and reading.

I hope you are having a good weekend - and, hopefully I'll be able to write a little more tomorrow night. You guys take care and ------------------

I'll talk to you tomorrow!!

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