Friday, July 31, 2009
Okay - this post should have been posted yesterday, but for some reason it would not go through - so I'm posting it today. I really don't have much else to report - it was a pretty good day at the cabin - not real busy, but steady. Before I sign off - Dana and Mark - Happy Anniversary!!!! Take care all, and we'll talk to you tomorrow!
Friday's Post:
Well, Dan couldn't wait until next week and we went to the Mountain Man Rendezvous today before we did the laundry. What a disappointment!!! I guess we were expecting something big and fantastic - I mean, here we are in the area that had these types of meetings all the time. What did we find?? Well, there were about eight tents set up and that was it, and all of them were "selling" the same stuff - rabbit fur and a couple of beaver furs. Oh, and beads - lots and lots of beads. Why???? Even I was disappointed. I think Dan was expecting something like we have gone to in Florida - you know, really big and very realistic with people who actually looked and presented themselves as mountain men. When we have been to the one in Florida the reenactors have to be dressed in authentic costumes and all their equipment has to be authentic. These people today wouldn't have known what that meant if it bet them in the, well you know where. Anyway, to say we were disappointed would be an understatement, but we will learn that not everything is what it is advertised to be. Oh well, such is life!
When we left there we went to the laundry mat - laundry was pretty easy to do today - we really didn't have that much this week for some reason - don't understand that. We did have three loads but none of the loads were big ones. It did take us longer to do the laundry this time though because the load with the whites was off balanced - so the washer quit. We didn't know that until we got up to put the clothes in the dryer - well, to make a long story short - while the whites were washing the other clothes were drying and then we had to wait for the whites to dry. Anyway, it just wasn't a good day for rendezvous or laundry.
I don't have a lot to report - so I'll sign off for tonight - BTW Melissa and Crystal, wish your Dad a Happy Birthday from Dan and I! Talk to you tomorrow!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Home again, Home again!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Got the Satellite back!
We are going to do Cody tomorrow - we will go over and spend the night and then come home on Wednesday - so I probably won't post tomorrow night - I don't think I will take the computer with me, but that means I will have loads of pictures to share on Wednesday.
Well, because the day was so boring I don't have anything new to report so I will sign off. I do appreciate those that send the comments - can't wait to go to the Dairy Queen! Welcome home Ruth Ann and thanks for reading!
Bye all!!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Just another Sunday
Not much happened today - no new moose pictures or any other wild life - just a normal day at the "office". We are really trying to figure out what we will do this coming week - I know that we are going to have to call the satellite people because we are not getting the local channels - so we'll call the installer in the morning and see what we need to do (we were getting them yesterday, but we had a huge storm last night and we haven't gotten them since). Dan says we will go over to Cody this week - probably make it an overnight trip, but we will have to make sure to find a place that is "doggy" friendly (actually stay in a hotel/motel - WOW!) We want to go to the museum and the gun museum, plus there are a couple of other places that we would like to see in that area (a Japanese holding camp from WW2 that they have set up with a visitor's center and the redone the barracks and all - should be interesting). Anyway, that is a couple of days out of the week - we'll see what else will develop.
I'm really surprised that we didn't hear from anyone about the moose pictures yesterday - I mean I thought they were really great and not a word from anyone. Oh well, I hope to hear from all of you next week. BTW - Melissa and Justin, I absolutely love the new house and we are looking forward to seeing it for ourselves in November. Talk with you later!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Just another day at the office
Look what was waiting for us when we went to the cabin this morning!! We couldn't believe it. Plus he was there for about 2 hours just feeding and walking through the springs. I must have taken a million pictures - actually I took 42. There were some shots where he just picked up his head and looked straight at me - almost like he was poising for me. I'll put the link to all the shots at the end of the blog.
We had a tremendous amount of people through the cabin today - we will probably be really busy again tomorrow - then we have been told that things will probably slow down after this weekend. We were also told that we will probably see snow before we leave in September - that will be fine with me as long as we don't get snowed in!
Believe it or not, I turned down going out to eat tonight. Dan wanted to go down to Ashton and have Mexican (we have been told that there is an excellent Mexican place on Main Street), but I said that I would cook dinner instead. It looked like it was going to storm (which it did) and the girls had been alone all day and I just didn't want to go out again. I know, I probably just caused my kids to wonder if their mother was feeling well - I'm fine! Really, I promise!
Well, I really don't have that much to report, but I did want to leave you will one other picture of the moose.
Also, here is the link to all the pictures of my little friend.
Hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed taking them!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Laundry Day!
Today was just a quiet day at home and doing laundry - we did have the automatic satellite dish put on the trailer this morning - so now all we have to do is just pull into a campground and push a button and within two minutes we have TV. (Yes, Dan is lazy and doesn't want to have to put out the portable dish - but I think it will certainly be nice.) I did laundry this afternoon- had three loads again and spent $7.00 - took me about 2 hours. Dan stayed at home with the girls.
Looks like we might have a job for the winter in Florida - at least the months of November and December - Highland Hammock State Park which should be about 30 minutes from Lakeland and 20 minutes from Lake Placid. Dan will be working in the campground as host on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 7:30 to 12:30 - I'll be working in the ranger station on the same days but from 8:00 to 1:00. We'll have the weekends off (which includes Thanksgiving and Christmas - YEAH!) and have afternoons off also. We don't get paid, but will have a hook-up. I've also applied for a position in Georgia for the months of March and April - this will keep us on the east coast through my mom's birthday and this park is not too far from where she lives. We'll just have to wait and see if we get the position.
Well, I really don't have much to report tonight - Dan is waiting for me to finish the posting tonight so I can start dinner - we are having steak, baked potato, salad, and fresh corn on the cob. I did put a picture on of the Warm River - thought you might like to see it. Hope you enjoy - and I look forward to more comments. (BTW - Dan says his back is better and has not taken any more medicine - I sure don't want his blood pressure to go back up - or for him to have an anxiety attack). Tomorrow it's back to work and we should be really busy all weekend - it's Pioneer Days out here (this is a local holiday in Idaho and Utah celebrating Brigham Young stopping in Salt Lake City) anyway, a lot of people take their vacation at this time - we've been told we'll be busier than the 4th of July. I'll let you know.
Take care and I'll talk to you tomorrow!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Warm River
Dan is still having some problems with his back - I'm not sure what is going on there, but I threatened to take him to the doctor tomorrow if it isn't better by then. He has been taking ibuprofen, but he told me tonight that he thinks it makes his blood pressure go up. (I need to ask our new RN if that would happen!) Anyway, I told him to lay off for tonight and we would try the heating pad. Hopefully it will better tomorrow - he thinks he needs to see a chiropractor which we don't have around here. We'll see how he is tomorrow. Speaking about tomorrow it the day that I will do the laundry - and then spend a nice quiet day at home.
I've been reading a lot since we left Florida and I have found a new best author. First let me say that I have read just about every Mary Higgins Clark book that she has written, then I started on John Grisham. If you haven't read The Partner I would recommend it - it has more turns and twists than some of these roads around here. Now, my new best author is C. J. Box - I read Free Fire in a day and a half - it was excellent!!! It takes place here in Yellowstone and I think it is really good. I'm now reading Blood Trail - and I'm really enjoying it also. If you like murder mysteries you might like his stuff.
Well, I'm going to sign off for tonight - but, I'm going to leave you with a picture that I hope you can see what is in it. See if you can see the fish - it was taken on another section of Warm River and Dan was throwing out fish food - Hope you can see it.
Finally, I just want to say CONGRATULATIONS to Dana on becoming a RN - Dan and I both knew that you would pass the boards without a doubt!
Talk with you all tomorrow!
Guys and Dolls
I told you that we had an appointment this morning and I would tell you all about it today. This was something that Dan and I talked about for quite sometime before we decided to go ahead with this purchase. Believe it or not, Dan was more for getting this than I was. What, you might ask, am I talking about. TV - we have gone without TV for six whole weeks and Dan just couldn't handle it anymore. So, we called and now we have ------- DISH Network. The tech came this morning and installed it - and we have had TV almost all day. Can you guess what Dan missed the most about not having TV service? Would you believe - Good Morning America. The plan we have now is pretty good - 250 channels - DVR receiver - HBO and Showtime for 6 months and a $20.00 discount for 3 months. So, for three months we are paying $24.99 after that it will be $44.99 (when you add taxes it will probably be around $50.00 a month) but now I can watch football next month (I can even record it on the DVR while I'm at work - YIPPEE!!!!)
I did not do laundry today - I will probably go Friday - we might go into Cody tomorrow and do our weekly loop in Yellowstone. We'll see - I'm going to sign off now and hit the sack - do some reading. Thanks for the comments last night guys - it helps me stay motivated to keep writing - keep them coming please! Linda - Dan and I will certainly make a trip up to Signal Mountain on one of our trips - thanks for the recommendation. Crystal and Kim - I hope they don't pay us in moose meat - I don't have any room in the freezer!!!! Finally, Dana, keep the faith , and remember that your Dad and I are siding with Mark! Talk to you all tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
A Quiet Day at Home
We did watch the movie Australia last night - it was a really good movie - we only had one problem - about half way through the movie the voices went off - we could hear all the music, but none of the dialogue - but we solved that problem - we just clicked on the closed caption and read the dialogue - it was still a good movie. Even Dan liked it. We did tell the clerk when we turned the movie back in there was a problem. Anyway, if you haven't seen it, I would recommend it.
I actually got excited tonight about the blog - I received a comment from someone that is not a family member (thanks Dennis!) It is nice to know that there are people out there who are reading this. You know, the only way Dan and I can know that is if people leave comments - that's why I was so excited. Please keep the comments coming!
Tomorrow night we have the play - we do have an appointment in the morning, but I think I will leave you in suspense to find out what it is. I don't know if we will go into Yellowstone this week or not, I just can't imagine us not- but you never know with Dan and I. In fact, he is in bed already - he has hurt his back again somehow - not sure what he did, but he decided to hit the sack early. I'm going to go in and read some.
BTW - yes, sometimes we think that we have it made - and in answer to your question - we haven't been paid anything yet - I'll let you know if I feel guilty when we do get paid. LOL!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Just a bunch of flowers
Quake Lake is an interesting place - it was formed in 1959 when a 7.5 earthquake caused the side of a mountain to fall into the Madison River - 28 people lost their lives that night when the lake swallowed a campground. The corp of engineers opened a passage for the water to move through and open the river back up and, eventually, the lake will empty - but for now (50 years later) it is still huge and deep. It is pretty awesome to see the slide area and see the cabins that the roofs still stick out of the water on the shoreline. We stopped at the Visitor Center and watched a video on the quake and the aftermath - it sure does make an impression. Anyway, it was an interesting side trip.
I also took some pictures of an eagle that was just sitting in this tree beside the road - it just amazes me to see all this wild life just everywhere. We also saw a deer and a couple of antelope right beside the highway, but Dan couldn't stop so I could get any pictures.
I'm cooking a pizza right now - yeah convection oven!- and we are going to watch the movie Australia tonight - I hope it is an good as the hype. Not sure what will be on tap for tomorrow, but Wednesday is the night we go to the play - I'll do laundry that morning. I'll sign off for now, but come on guys - I can't believe I didn't get any comments on the moose in the neighborhood!!! Hope to hear from you soon! Love to all.
What a Neighborhood!
Well, I was so happy at seeing the bull moose - I mean he was withing 20 yards of me - I don't think many people get to see moose that close up. When I look up and see........
Yes, two more moose - cows this time. They were lying in the grass about 10 feet away from the bull. Just right next to each other and watching us. They were actually closer to the road than the bull, so I didn't get out of the truck at all - I just rolled the window down and took the pictures through the window. This was the first time I had seen two lying next to each other like this - I don't know if that is normal or not, but it sure does make for a great picture!
We came home and talked about how absolutely lucky we are to be able to experience the things that we are. It is amazing and we are so thankful everyday!
I did fix dinner last night - then I hit the sack - that's the reason I didn't get the pictures on the blog last night. I hope you enjoy these pictures half as much as I enjoyed taking them!
BTW - Dana, good luck on the boards tomorrow - your Dad and I know you are going to do just GREAT!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Hie Ho; Hie Ho; It's Off to Work We Go
I came home tonight and fixed dinner - homemade chicken burritos with all the trimmings - we had purchased a cooked chicken at Albertson's last week and I took all the meat off the bone and fixed the burritos - I saved some of the chicken and made a small amount of chicken salad for our lunch tomorrow since we are out of lunch meat. I sure am enjoying the convection oven - while it isn't any faster in cooking time you don't have to preheat the oven and it sure doesn't heat up the trailer.
Dan and I keep talking about what we will do next summer - I am pretty sure we want to come back out west, but maybe a little further to the west - Oregon or Washington state (maybe even Northern California). We are looking at maybe hosting in a campground next summer instead of doing something like the cabin - not that we don't enjoy the cabin, but Dan likes to be outside. He knows that hosting in a campground will mean we are more tied down then we are doing this, but he can be outside doing stuff instead of inside. We'll just have to wait and see what develops. We know that we will have to stay on the east coast until the end of April. My mother's 80th birthday is at the end of the month and we will do a big party for her - so that means we really can't come out west until after that. We aren't sure how that might effect our hosting abilities; but places here in Idaho don't open until the first of June due to the snow, sooo hopefully that is true further to the northwest. I guess that will all work itself out. (It's just that I am a planner and I like to know what we are going to do - Dan says I need to relax - yeah, right!)
Here is the link to the pictures I took yesterday. Hope you enjoy!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Two Moose and not a picture to show!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Dan caught a FISH!
I did the laundry today and Dan stayed at home and worked in the yard - he used the weed eater and watered the yard - he also washed the front of the 5th wheel that still had bugs on it from the trip out here. I went by the post office and picked up the mail - I paid the three bills that were in the package and went through the rest - some was insurance information and stuff like that. There was some confusing information and I had to make some phone calls. Dan asked me if it was going to be easier next month and I told him yes because we won't have all the final bills from the house. Anyway, that should be everything for the month - at least I hope so. So far, we are still on budget and that is good.
Tomorrow we will take the trip into Montana. As I said last night I'm not sure if we will have any pictures for the blog tomorrow night, but I look forward to the drive. Then it's to work on Saturday and Sunday. (we did close the cabin this afternoon - our neighbor had to go to the play).
I also fixed a blackberry cobbler (Dan called it a crisp) it was a little crisp - but I am still learning to use the convection oven and I only did a half recipe because we only had one package of frozen blackberries. Anyway, I am learning and I'll keep trying until I get it right. Supper tonight was pretty good - chicken, vegetable medley, and corn on the cob. It was pretty good.
Well, I'm not staying on line too long tonight - we are currently watching one of the Indiana Jones movies - "the Last Crusade" (which in my opinion is the best of the series!) So I'll sign off - one more thing - Congratulations to Melissa and Justin on the purchase of their first home!!! Dan and I are sooooo happy for you both!!!! Talk to you all soon.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Grocery Day
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Yellowstone - South Loop
One of the reasons we having hot dogs tonight is I don't have anything else to cook. That's why tomorrow is a run into Rexburg - Wal Mart and Albertson's (the Wal Mart store is not a super center and they don't have fresh produce or meat - so we'll check out the Albertson's that is right next door). We have a few things we want to pick up at Wal Mart - such as a paper towel holder that mounts under the cabinet (the one I have now sits on the counter and it takes up too much precious counter top). Hopefully we won't be in Rexburg all day, but it is the closest Wal Mart and "real" grocery store.
I'm not going to be too long winded tonight - I need to get up and finish getting dinner ready. I'll leave you with one other picture from today - I'll get the pictures downloaded to the web tomorrow and have the link for them then. Hope you enjoy!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Dan's Fishing Day
Tomorrow we are going to do the south loop in Yellowstone - it is more of the geysers and hot springs - I don't know how much, if any, wild life we will see, but I will have my trusty camera ready. I look forward to taking some pictures of the hot springs - some of the colors in them are breathtaking. We will take the pups with us again - so if it's a long day we won't have to worry any.
This afternoon I bought tickets for a musical that is being presented by a theater group in West Yellowstone. We are going to go next Wednesday (the 22nd) at 6:00 pm. It should be fun - I let Dan decide what he wanted to see - they are presenting three different shows - Footloose; The Secret Garden; and Guys and Dolls - Dan chose Guys and Dolls. I hope he enjoys it and maybe we'll go see at least one other one (Footloose). I'll let you know how next Wednesday goes first.
Thursday I will do laundry and Friday we are planning on doing a loop into Montana. It's a scenic drive and I always look forward to seeing beautiful country.
Today has been very windy - gusts up to 35 mph. I will be glad to see it settle down - the weather forecast is for it to be windy like this until 9pm so I still have about an hour and a half. I really don't like the wind like that - it sorta rocks the trailer, but I know that it's fine. We keep a listen on the weather radio and there isn't any bad weather - just the wind.
Oh- one of the things that I did today was upload the pictures of Bryce Canyon and the Grand Canyon. I didn't take many of the Grand Canyon for some reason, but anyway I'll put the links in. (At least I'm going to try and put in two links - I've never tried this before, so I don't know if it will work - let me know if it doesn't).
If you would like to see the pictures of Bryce Canyon click on this link.
If you would like to see the pictures of the Grand Canyon click on this link.
Let me know if these work - and for my girls - I'll email you the pictures of my "new" hair - don't want to bore everyone with them.
I'll sign off for tonight- BTW, the only tv show that I really miss is The Bachlorette and I watch it the day after it shows on network TV on the Internet - I am making a prediction now, in case any of you out there watch it too. I think she will pick - ED and REID and sent Tipton home tonight. We'll see how I do. (it was interesting to see that she did NOT use the Fantasy Suite with any of the guys except ED and supposedly just talked with him - a girl with a little morals maybe???) Anyway, after tomorrow, when I can watch the show, I will make a prediction on who she chooses. Later!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
My two little excavators
I finally get finished in the kitchen and walk outside with the camera - these little pups where making the dirt fly and when I called them Samantha tried to hide. I did finally get a picture of
both of them with their dirty little faces. I'm sure I will end up having to give them another bath but for now I'm just trying to give them a "sponge bath" and get the majority of the dirt off before I let them in the bed.
As you can see, these little darlings were dirty from the tips of their noses to the tips of their tails. Oh well, what can you do?
Today was another busy day at the cabin, but it came in spurts. At times there would not be anyone in the cabin then 10 minutes later there would be 15 to 20. At one time there were over 40 - that is a little crowded! However, we met some of the most fascinating people and learn so much from them - today we met our first people that are full-time RVers like we are. We talked for quite a while and learned a lot about different parts of the country and where they would recommend us traveling to. It was very interesting and informative - they gave us a card with all their contact information and I hope to stay in touch with them.
I know my girls would like to see a picture of their "new" mom and I'll have Dan take a picture tomorrow and I'll post it then. I'm not sure what we are going to do this coming week - I know that I am going to encourage Dan to finally use those fishing licenses - he needs to get out there and see what he can do. Right now he has put in a movie (Bourne Supremacy) and so I guess I'll sign off for tonight.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Another Day in Paradise (or close to it)
Yesterday was a day that we got a lot accomplished. Not only did I do housework, I rearranged some cabinets and got rid of some things that we will never need. You know, it's funny when you are getting ready for an adventure like the one we are on how you think you will need all this "stuff" and you don't. For example, I brought at least 8 towels - now what do I need with 8 towels when it is just Dan, the girls, and I? When I do laundry I wash the ones we have used then we use them again. I don't get new towels out everyday. Anyway, when we get back to Florida in November that is one thing that I will change - get rid of stuff you don't use or need. But I guess it just takes living the way we are to recognize what you actually do need and what you don't. It is a completely different way of living than living in a "sticks and bricks" house. You have to think about the size of the jar of peanut butter you buy - will it fit in the pantry? How many rolls of paper towels you buy and how much frozen things you can fit into a freezer the size of a small cooler. It is an adjustment, but I think we are handling it well.
I also was able to give the puppies their long awaited bath - they were not real happy with me for a couple of hours (at least until I fixed dinner - then all was forgiven). I will put their Frontline on them today and give them their heartworm preventive and we will be good to go for another month.
Dan and I went to a small craft fair yesterday also -it was to benefit the local library - I did buy 4 paperback books and spent one whole dollar. It will give me something to read at night since I had finished everything I had brought with us. (So, I donated those books to the library - don't have room to store them.)
Last night Dan helped me do my hair - and it may come as a great shock to my children, but their mom is NOT a blond anymore - I'm now a light brunette. I don't believe my girls have ever seen me not as a blond (that gives you an idea of how long I have been coloring my hair - YIKES!) Anyway, I got a little tired of having to do my hair all the time and I also thought that a person on the back side of 50 probably didn't need to be a blond any longer - SO, I looked for a color that I thought was pretty close to my natural color and voila I'm a new woman - Dan wants to know when I will let my hair go gray and I told him when I was as old as he is I just might!
Today was a busy day at the cabin which was somewhat surprising, but we had one family group come in that was having a family reunion - there were over 50 in the group with some coming from as far away as Hawaii. This afternoon when we were closing I looked at the register and there was a family that came through the cabin today from New Zealand. It is amazing how people from all over the world come to this little cabin in the woods - I sometimes wonder how they find out about it - could be the same way we did - the good old Internet.
Well, we are half done with our work "week" and I am not sure what Dan has in store for us next week. I think we will probably do the southern loop in Yellowstone sometime during the week - and I am sure I will do laundry one day, but other than that we are just not sure - we'll get up one day and decide what we are going to do then. I need to get up and fix dinner - bar-b-que pork sandwiches, fresh french fries, and corn on the cob. Should be good. Maybe one day next week, if we can stay home, I will get the pictures of the Grand Canyon and Bryce Canyon on the web so you guys can see them (they are pretty awesome!) That will be a goal of mine for next week. Please let me know what you think of the blog - or if you have any questions about what we are doing just drop me a comment and I'll answer you. Until tomorrow!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Grand Tetons National Park
Today was another absolutely wonderful day - we drove over to Jackson (by the paved road this time) and shopped a little on the square - I should say we walked through some stores. My kids would be soooo proud of me - I haven't bought anything in all the stores we have been in - okay, I take that back. I did buy a Grand Teton National Park sticker to use on my scrapbook pages when I get my pictures developed. But I have not bought any thing for the trailer - no little something to decorate with. I know they won't believe me, but it's true. Maybe it's because I don't have anywhere to put anything. I did see a lamp that I told Dan would be pretty on the table instead of the Wal Mart special we have there now. But, the $75.00 price tag changed my mind very quickly! After we walked around for a little while we went into the Million Dollar Saloon and had lunch - I had a regular cheeseburger while Dan had a buffalo burger ($25.00). I saved some of my cheeseburger for the pups (yes, we took them with us again - I don't like to leave them alone so much).
After we left Jackson we actually drove into the Grand Teton National Park instead of just driving by on the way to Yellowstone as we have done in the past. Therefore, most of my pictures today will be of scenery. The scenery is awe inspiring. I hope you will be able to tell from the pictures that I will post at the end just how beautiful this place is. I really don't know if my pictures will do the place justice, but I hope they will. The picture above was taken at the Jenny Lake Visitor Center and almost matches the picture we have hanging over our bed in the trailer.
When we left the Tetons we decided to go ahead and drive through Yellowstone from the south entrance and go through West Yellowstone to go home instead of driving all the way back to Jackson and then back the way we came - it would have been about 100 miles that way instead of about 70 the way we went. We stopped at McDonald's in West Yellowstone because it was getting late and Dan was hungry (big surprise) - I figured it would be an inexpensive meal since we always eat off the $1.00 menu. WRONG!!!! They don't have a $1.00 menu - so instead of about 6 bucks we spent $12.63. Oh well, it was a great day and we did enjoy ourselves.
By the way, at the end of the pictures you will see female elk pictures and a couple of a very young male elk - he was just starting to get his horns (nothing like the Bull Elk we saw on Tuesday). I hope you enjoy these pictures - just click on this link.
Tomorrow I stay home and clean a little - finally give the pups a bath. I think Dan is finally going to go fishing. Will fill you in on what happens - you never know what we are going to do next!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Pictures on web and today's update
Okay, now, what did we do today - This morning we straightened up around here - Dan has the yard so nice and clean now - he has burned all the clippings from the trees and has raked the yard. It looks so nice! I sat down and paid the bills that came in the mail on Monday (thanks Joyce!) So after all that was taken care of - we ate lunch (Dan ate leftovers, I had a bowl of cereal) then it was off to do laundry- we tried a different laundry mat - it was closer to us and it actually cost less - only $7.00 instead of $10.00, but I did have one less load of clothes. Anyway, while we were doing the laundry a huge storm came up and the temperature dropped like a rock (it was actually down to 47 degrees when we got things loaded into the truck at 3 o'clock in the afternoon). We stopped at the nearest grocery to pick up some hamburger buns - I planned on using the left-over pork chops from last night and making bar-b-que pork sandwiches, with french fries, and corn on the cob. I asked Dan if we had sauce and he was quick to say yes - I've gotten where I really don't want to buy something if I think we already have it - we just don't have a lot of storage space. Anyway, to make a long story short - we did NOT have any sauce so I decided to fix soup and grilled cheese sandwiches since it was still pretty cool - around 61. Now that is done, and the dishes are finished. We also rented a movie for tonight (this place rents them for $1.99 instead of $3.00 at the other place and they seem to have a better selection). Anyway, I wanted to rent either Australia with Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman or Valkry with Tom Cruise - Dan wanted to rent Mall Cop - guess which one we rented. I'll let you know how Mall Cop is tomorrow.
Well, I really don't have much to report for today - please let me know if I did this right with getting the pictures where you all can see them. If this works, I'll get the others on in the next day or so - Take care everyone - hope to hear from you soon!
Trying to get pictures on the web
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Bear and Moose and Elk - Oh My!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Our work week is over!
Dan wants to get his fishing license and go fishing some this week - maybe I'll work some on my scrap booking. I've just about read everything that I brought with me - I've read four books since we have been gone - has that only been two and a half weeks ago???? It seems like it was forever ago - and I don't mean that in a bad way. Maybe I'll pick up a few more books when we go into Wal Mart in Rexburg. Or, I might check out the local library and see if I can check books out from there.
I'm not going to stay on too long tonight - I want to take a shower and wash my hair before I go to bed. Plus, not much is going on around here. See, everyone has down days - even those of us who live in a RV. I'm sure things will pick up next week. Everyone take care!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 4th of July
Boy, was today busy!!! We probably had over 300 people come through the cabin today - at times there were so many people inside they all couldn't get up the stairs to see the bedrooms and had to wait in line. I was really pooped when we got home - BUT I fixed dinner (ham steak, macaroni and cheese, and green beans) then cleaned up the kitchen. I figured I needed to let you know that the last couple of days have been sorta quiet. We knew we would be really busy at the cabin today and probably tomorrow morning - then things should slow down as people have to pack up and get ready to go back home after the holiday weekend.
As of right now we don't have any definite plans for next week - I'm sure we will go back over to Yellowstone and explore a little more and I will need to do laundry again at some point. Dan is also talking about going down to Rexburg (about 60 miles away) to the nearest Wal Mart. We'll see how that goes.
I don't imagine we will stay up and go see any fireworks tonight - they are suppose to shoot some off at the lake at 10 pm - that's a little late for us since we need to get up and get ready for work - I think that our bodies are still on eastern daylight time - we are going to bed around 9:30 - 10 and getting up at 6:30 (that would be 11:30 - midnight and up at 8:30 if we were still in Florida). In one way, I want to stay on eastern time - but I don't know how long we will be able to - I mean we will be here for two and a half months.
Well, I just seem to be rambling on about a lot of nothing - so I will sign off for today - Dan, Sam, Jessie, and I wish everyone the happiest of 4th's - stay safe out there!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Let's Talk Money
What did I do, you ask? Well, first I balanced the bank statements - then I paid the credit card bill - then I figured out the money situation - what it cost us to get here and what it will cost us to live - of course, some things I won't be able to finalize until we get our mail from Florida - I know that we will have some final bills to pay - you know things like the final light bill and final water bill. The only reoccurring bills we will have are: Verizon Wireless (cell phone and air card), the storage facility in Florida (I paid for 6 months before we left, so I don't have to worry about that for awhile), and the Credit Card (fuel and misc. charges). So, after this month's final bills from Florida are paid, we should be in good shape.
Now, I promised that I would be honest about what it costs us to live -so today I got all the figures for fuel, campground fees, meals out, and misc. expenses for the trip out - this is the breakdown:
Fuel: $985.23
Campground Fees: $210.87
Groceries: $ 97.85
Misc Exp. $120.77
Total $1,414.72
Even with the fuel charges we are still well within our budget and we won't have a fuel bill that steep for the next 2 months (July and August). Of course, when we start our trip back toward Florida the fuel expenses will go up again, but this just proves that we should be able to live quite well on my projected budget.
Dan and I are keeping a very close tab on the money we spend - we have a fuel log in the truck and I keep all receipts and write them down in the "little black book" - I don't want to have any surprises. I hope to start building the saving account this month - our little emergency fund. We have had more misc. expenses since we got here - we have eaten out four times (Pond's Lodge for dinner, Angler's Lodge for breakfast, Lunch in West Yellowstone when we did laundry, and Lunch at Old Faithful Lodge yesterday) for a total of a little over $100.00. Dan did buy his new hat yesterday ($128.75), and we bought a couple of books while in West Yellowstone (around $30.00) - now some of these expenses we have paid cash for (the Dinner's and books) we did charge his hat. We have also bought some groceries - mostly things like eggs, milk, bread, and lunch meat - that's been about $75.00- all that has been paid for. So far, since we have been here (I know it's only a week) we have only charged fuel once and Dan's hat. So far, so good.
Now, when the mail from Florida arrives (probably Monday, since this weekend is a holiday) I will let you know what the budget looks like from that standpoint. I do want to say cooking breakfast and dinner, and packing our lunch when we work or eating left overs here is not always fun, but I do enjoy knowing that we are living well within our means. We will look at being able to eat out maybe once a week and even taking a few overnight trips and staying in hotels (we just have to make sure we can take the pups). I'll keep you posted on the way things go. If you have any questions about any of this stuff - just let me know. I'll try and answer them for you.
Maybe tomorrow will be a more exciting day then today -but occasionally you just have to do the paperwork. Oh well - such is life.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
First trip to Yellowstone!
For example, not only did we see this thermal pot we saw lakes formed by small geysers - beautiful rivers that hold all types of trout. We saw a Bald Eagle in its nest with babies - a herd of elk grazing beside the river - a lone deer lying in the grass - antelope feeding on the hillside - a bison herd grazing in the distance. We saw magnificent waterfalls that are hard to imagine they would be so large. And all of this in one 30 mile southern loop. Do you want to know what is really cool? We have all summer to explore this beautiful place - two and a half months. We will go to the park at least once a week, if not more. (Just so you know - this is not costing us anything but fuel - we have a Golden Age Pass which allows us entry into any National Park for free - it has saved us $75.00 so far on this trip along- Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon, and today - it will allow us to go to the park as many times as our heart desires which will be many times.)
Tomorrow Dan plans on working around the "house" - he still has to put the door back on and he wants to weed eat around the yard a little more - we hope that will help with the mosquitoes. I plan on bathing the pups. We may ride around and explore the area closer to "home" after we get our chores done - if so, I plan on taking the pups with us. They have been by themselves most of the day since last Friday - they need to spend some time with us. I'll also work on the budget and getting those figures done. Also, I have figured out how to email pictures from Picasa to people, but I have yet to figure out how to post them to the web (I am now at the point that I would accept help from my tech savvy daughters, friends of my daughters, or even sons-in-law - if you know, please let me know!)
Well, I'll sign off for tonight - but before I do, I'll leave you with one more picture. Enjoy!
Where does time go?
I have really fallen off the blogging wagon I guess. I can't seem to get a schedule down so I don't post - but it's been almost...
I let you in on a little secret yesterday on my Monday Menu post - I don't usually cook breakfast - Mountain Man does. However, th...
When we did our house renovation we knew that we had to address our fireplace. We love having a fireplace - even in South Florida (I know, ...