Friday, July 23, 2010
We have a House!!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Waiting for the paperwork
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Lake Placid
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
So Much Happening!
If you don't see any entries for a few days I will be in Lake Placid and I'm leaving my computer here for Dan - so I'll have to borrow my daughter's. Anyway, I will do my best to blog when I can.
Keep checking back!
Take care and ----------------
I'll talk to you when I can!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Finally got those berries picked!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Berry Picking
There is actually some sunshine today - I would call today overcast - but that is better than "rain" - and I think that I will try and get out and do some berry picking. We have wild blueberries growing around us - not on cultivated "trees" like I used to pick in North Carolina - but on bushes that grow close to the ground. I really have a two prong plan on picking the berries - one, it will give us some for muffins and pancakes; two, it will get rid of a "bear attractor" (don't need the bear too close to the house!). Plus it will get me outside (so I guess it is a three pronged plan). Actually, last night when I took the pups out right before bed, I picked a good handful while I was waiting on them to do their thing. So, they are really close to the house. I won't have to go far to get plenty I don't think. I'll let you know.
Dan is out doing rounds this morning - he was starting doing the morning rounds without me - he has to get up so early to open the gate in the morning (he lets me and the pups sleep in) that by 9 o'clock he is ready to do something. I am usually only starting my second cup of coffee and, for those of you that know me, I don't do a whole lot before at least two cups. Actually it has worked out well - he leaves and does the rounds (checking bathrooms) while I have that second cup, then I get dressed, make the bed, clean up the kitchen, and like this morning - get a load of laundry started. It works well for both of us. If there is something big that needs to be done - then he will wait and we will do that later in the day (usually after 2 - that is when everyone who is leaving should be gone and the new people shouldn't be here yet). Not a bad schedule.
We are also going to have to go into the store today - there are a few necessities that we are out of - like milk and bread - so we will do a grocery run. Dan also wants to go by the library and see if he can find him something to read. We have tried several different books and he just can't "get into them". So, he thought, instead of spending money on books he is not reading he will try the library. Not a bad idea. I'm still reading on the ones we bought on the trip out here - have finished Laura Bush's book on my nook - and several of the paperbacked books - I think I have 6 left to read - about three quarters of the way through one. I'm good for a while. You might wonder what we do with the books that we have finished reading, or in Dan's case not read, well we have started a 'book exchange/borrow' thing here in the park. I have a plastic bin on the picnic table with a sign on it that so people know they can get a book. So far, it is working well and we have had several people use it. Just one more thing we are trying to do.
I wanted to say thanks for the words of encouragement from the person in "sun drenched Texas" - it is nice to know that people care. Thanks - and I'm back on target! Just needed to get my act back together.
Well, I'm going to sign off for now - will let you know how the berry picking goes - maybe I'll have some pictures! In the meantime, I hope that you are having a good summer and staying dry where ever you are! Take care and -----------------------
I'll talk to you tomorrow!!!!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Strange Day
I told Dan yesterday that I don't think I could live here in Juneau ( and not just because of the winters). I don't think I could handle the rain - it has rained here for four days and it is suppose to continue until at least Friday (when they say the chance of rain showers is only 70%). Anyway, I really don't even think I mind the rain that much - if only it were a little warmer. The HIGH today was 48 - yep, you read that right. In Florida, 48 would be a nice temperature in January NOT July 5th. I have only worn long sleeve shirts since we have been here - when I start to go outside I put on my hooded sweatshirt and then my rain coat over that. I think I am just tired of being cold - I don't feel like I ever get dried out. Oh well, there is nothing I can do about it and I'm here until September 10th, so I might as well get used to it.
I have been trying to open an email that I received on Friday and had been unable to - so we loaded everything up tonight and went to McDonalds to use their free WiFi. You know that I had forgotten what it was like to use real Internet service - to be able to click on a web site and it to come up immediately. Wow! I think I have said it before , but I got better Internet service sitting on top of a mountain in rural Pennsylvania last fall than I get in the capital of Alaska. Oh well, another thing that I will just have to deal with.
It sounds like I am in a complaining mood tonight - see I told you that I just don't feel like things are right today, so instead of boring you with the complaints that I have - I'm going to sign off for tonight.
Take care and ---------------
I'll talk to you tomorrow!!!!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy Fourth of July!!!!
The campground is pretty quiet today - people are staying under their tarps in their own campsite or they are packing up to go home. I think that the rest of the summer we will have mostly tourists coming through and not too many of the locals will be in the campground - unless it's the people who don't have any where else to live. We still have some people that want to stay here permanently - but, when we tell them that there is a 14 day limit and that the rangers enforce it - they move on after their 14 days. I don't know where they go, but they are not here.
Speaking of the rangers - they have told us that in August - when the rain really set in - a lot of the campground will be flooded. There will be parts that we will be able to get to because we are in a truck but the campsites will be underwater and the roadway will be flooded also. That will be something to see - and I'll post pictures IF that occurs. Something to look forward to.
Dan has gone to Walmart - Home Depot. He wants to see if he can figure out a way to do a tarp so he can sit outside and have a fire. He said that if he bought a cheap tarp that he didn't care if he got holes burned in it then he would figure out some way to string it up so he would have a relatively dry place to be outside. Seriously, the way the locals string tarps up from the trees around here it is amazing. They have their own way to do things - and the rangers don't care if they tie stuff to the trees. I know that we have been in some parks that you were not allowed to put anything on the trees - and I know some rangers in places that we have been that would have a heart attack if they saw the way things are done around here. However, if that is the way they have always done it - then that's okay with me. I don't see the problem - they are not nailing anything into the trees - just tying ropes to the trees. Oh well, maybe I can take a picture of a campsite that has a football field of tarp strung up so you can see what I'm talking about.
Well, I haven't talked about finances for a while - it was REALLY expensive getting out here - the total for fuel, camping fees, groceries, and eating out was almost $5,000.00 (that's not counting the ferry). If we add the ferry ticket to the total it was well over the $5,000.00 mark.
Now, June we did pretty good, as far as spending money is concerned. Our largest expense last month was groceries (they are a lot more expensive here and we are not eating out hardly at all - three times at McDonald's all month for a grand total of $22.50. Heh! We've figured out a system - 2 McDoubles, 2 small fries, and 2 SENIOR drinks is $7.50 - not too bad!) We did have some truck expense last month - we had a headlight burn out on the truck and so we had to replace that - which meant that Dan had to buy the special socket required to do that little job. We spent about $75.00 in entertainment - that includes books and video's and about $50.00 for the mail service. We also had to order medicine (our 90 day supply which was close to $100.00 - that is Dan's three medications and my one. We renewed the virsus protection software for the computere and our Good Sam Membership for about $50.00 - extended warranty on the truck is $160 and we did buy some clothes at the Alaska Brewrey Store downtown for about $200. Our total expenses last month was right at $2,600.00 - not too bad. We were able to put some money in savings and we will, hopefully, be able to continue to do that the rest of the time we are here. Now, that figure does not include the $700 we have spent on reservations on the way home - we have purchased our ferry tickets ($525), and a couple of reservations have been prepaid - Albuquerque (for the Balloon Fiesta) and in the Redwood Forest - we also made reservations at a place near Yosmite, but at least those places are paid for and that will be that much less we have to worry about on the way home.
I know that this trip was expensive, but it is a once in a life time trip - or so Dan says, so I guess it is worth it. The totals also included our time in the interior - which added about another $1500 to the trip. I'm not sure how much it will cost for us to get home, but what ever it is we'll handle it.
Okay, I have bored you enough with all the details around here. Dan just got back from the store and I'm sure he will want some lunch. I hope that you all have a fabulous 4th of July -
Take care and ---------------------
I'll talk to tomorrow!!!!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
It's Raining Again!
Okay - enough of that! Yesterday I made a pot of soup (vegetable) in the crock pot. It was pretty good last night - but I think I should have saved it for today - it sure is cold and damp (47 degrees). Oh well, I did have some left over that we can warm up for lunch with a grilled cheese sandwich (maybe). That sounds pretty good.
We rented three movies on Wednesday - Four Christmases, Green Zone, and The Spy Next Door. Actually none of them have been that good - The Spy Next Door was sorta cute - with Jackie Chan - at least it had funny parts. Four Christmases was pretty dumb - I thought with Reese Witherspoon it would be pretty good - not. Dan will watch Green Zone today (they have to be back tonight before midnight - not going to be a problem!)
Yesterday we went in to Home Depot to look for a new electric heater - the big one that we use in the Living Room quit working on Thursday - so we took the one out of the bedroom (which is hardly ever used) and moved it down to the Living Room. We can not find another heater around here (you would think with temperatures in the 40's you could find heaters - no they have air conditioners out - go figure!). Anyway, I guess we will just have to look for one when we get back down in the lower 48 - it should be cool enough by then that stores will have heaters out again.
We went down and ate dinner Thursday night with one of the campers here in the campground - he is a native Alaskan (actually a Tlinget) and she is a "transplant". We had grilled prawns, fried rice and green beans - can you say YUMMY! I made a peach cobbler to take down for dessert - the blueberries are starting to get ripe, so Dan picked a few and I added them to the cobbler. It turned out pretty good. I have enough canned peaches (that I had put up when we lived in Florida) to make one more big cobbler or two more small cobblers. I'll have to wait and see what the occassion calls for to make that decision. (I can always buy canned peaches - but it won't be the same).
Well, I have pretty much caught you up to date on what has been happening around here. I hope that you all will have a fabulous 4th of July - no matter what you do - please be safe!
Take care and -----------------------
I'll talk to you tomorrow
Friday, July 2, 2010
Sorry for nothing last night
Hope all is well with you and that you are getting ready to enjoy your 4th of July!
Take care and -------------------
I'll talk to you tonight!!!!
Where does time go?
I have really fallen off the blogging wagon I guess. I can't seem to get a schedule down so I don't post - but it's been almost...

I let you in on a little secret yesterday on my Monday Menu post - I don't usually cook breakfast - Mountain Man does. However, th...
When we did our house renovation we knew that we had to address our fireplace. We love having a fireplace - even in South Florida (I know, ...