Well, the author of one of the blogs I read (which I have included a link to at the end of this post) Becky has challenged people to name things that they Thankful for every Monday during the month of November. Okay, I'm going to do that - only I will start a day late - although I guess you could say my second post yesterday could be my Monday Thankful moment - even though I did not title it as such.
If, by chance, you did not read my post last last night, allow me to regress a little. My youngest daughter and son-in-law are expecting their first child early next summer. This precious child will be my first grandchild, and to say that I am excited would be a major understatement! To say that I am Thankful would be a colossal understatement. I just can not explain to you how much this child is going to be loved by everyone around him/her.
We do have our first "pictures" of the little "our" precious baby -

Now, I have to let you know - this is NOT a picture of "our" baby - but it is a picture of a baby at the same time frame of "our" baby. Actually, I don't have a copy of the picture that my daughter and son-in-law have, but I just wanted to let you see about the size that "our" little guy is now. (Okay, I know that I am calling this "our" baby, and I know that I had ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the conception of this precious baby - let us NOT go there, but THIS WILL BE MY FIRST GRANDBABY - SO JUST DEAL WITH IT, OKAY????)
Oh, and before you ask, NO we do not know what she is having yet - it's too early. And, I'm going to tell you now - IF they ask me NOT to tell - then I will honor their wishes and it will not be revealed until early next summer when this precious little one makes his/her appearance.
Now, I'm sure you are tired of hearing all about this little bundle - but just know that this is one of the things that I am thankful for this year. There are many more things that I will be discussing all this month. As promised here is the link to Becky's blog -
Organizing Made Fun: Thankful....a month of Thanksgiving!
I want to thank her for letting me link up with her blog.
I hope any of you from Becky's blog will keep coming back. I would love to hear what you are thankful for - and if you would like to link up, please feel free to!
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