Last week is a blur. I really can't even remember the last time I posted on the blog - I just know that it was close to a week ago - more or less. Let's see if I can remember how last week went.
Okay, I do know that I last posted on Wednesday, the 31st. So, Thursday, we went to the grocery store and bought groceries for the weekend. I had planned the menu's for the weekend and knew what we wanted for the party on Monday as well as all the get togethers while the girls were here from Atlanta.
Friday saw me in the kitchen just about all day. Most of the day was spent making the meal for the birthday party - both my girls love a dish I made all the time when they were growing up - Hamburger Casserole. Melissa had asked me to make it for her earlier in the summer, but with everything that was going on with the house it just didn't happen. Not that it is that difficult to make - it is just time consuming. Anyway, we decided that I would make it for her party, since both the girls love it and have been wanting me to make it. With the count of guests at about 30 I knew that just one casserole was not going to do - so I ended up making three - two with bell peppers in it and one without ( since Kim is allergic to bell peppers).
These are two of the casserole dishes ready for the refrigerator. All I would have to do the day of the party would be to put on the cheese and bake them for 30 - 45 minutes. Then, along with a large tossed salad and some garlic bread, dinner would be served. Of course we had plenty of desserts - ranging from homemade peach cobbler (which I made Monday morning) with ice cream, to peanut butter pie, to cupcakes, to watermelon. Of course there were all the snack foods for people to eat while swimming - so I don't think anyone went home hungry!
But after I got all the food ready and in the refrigerator (and Dan fed for the day) then I had to get the house clean Friday night. By the time I got in the bed Friday night, I was tired!
Saturday morning we were up bright and early - leaving the house by 8:00 am to get down to Ft. Myers to pick the girls up at the airport by 10:20. We did get there a little early and I knew that I didn't have enough glass casserole dishes (I had borrowed one from my mom, and I still needed to make the peach cobbler and I was going to do a French Toast Casserole for breakfast one morning - so I thought I needed more), so we stopped at a Wal Mart and. picked up a package of three glass casseroles that were in three different sizes. Just as we were getting off the Interstate at the airport exit I saw a plane and told Dan that wouldn't it be funny if that was the girls plane. He told me it was too early, as it was only 9:45, but as we were walking through the parking garage after parking, Crystal called and they were already at baggage claim - it HAD been their plane - they were early! Funny! Anyway, by the time we got over to to the terminal they had gotten their luggage and we were ready to head back to the car - the nice thing about that whole situation, since we were only parked about 10 minutes (if that), the parking attendant did not charge us anything - Nice lady!
On our way home we stopped for our ONE meal out during their entire visit - lunch at Chili's in Arcadia. Then it was home - where the girls were greeted by the pups. A short time later Melissa came over all ready to take a dip in the pool, however Crystal and Kim did not have bathing suits - for some reason they just don't seem to have a need for swim suits in Atlanta - go figure! So, we decided we would take a quick trip up to Sebring to Wal Mart and see if we could find a couple of suits for them (or at least something that they would feel comfortable wearing in the pool). By the time we got back home it was time to start thinking about cooking dinner - on the menu for Saturday night was hamburgers and hot dogs which Dan was SUPPOSE to grill out - but, you guessed it, it started raining just when he was going to go out and start up the grill. So instead, I fixed the hamburgers inside on the griddle and just boiled the hot dogs. Then I whipped up some cole slaw, cut up some tomato, got out some lettuce and cheese - before you knew it dinner was served. Justin and MeMe (my mom) arrived and we all sat down to a nice family meal. Melissa, Justin, and Mom didn't stay long after dinner as everyone was tired - after visiting for a little while we all decided it was time for bed.

Sunday morning I made Breakfast Burritos before heading out on the lake - we went over to the house that Justin's parents rented on the far side of the lake and spent a little while. Crystal and Kim seemed to enjoy their time on the boat!
Monday dawned sunny and hot - Melissa came over early and she and Crystal spent some time in the pool before any of the other guests arrived. Just about the time everyone was suppose to come it started raining! We were starting to think that we were jinked - but then the skies cleared, and at about 3:30 people started showing up - by 5:00 the house was packed. In fact, I was so busy with greeting people, getting things ready, cooking, talking and all the other stuff you do when you are hosting a party that :
#1) I didn't get any pictures of the actual party
#2) I didn't get any pictures of the party food
#3) I didn't get to eat that much of all the food I fixed!
Oh well, it was fun and I think the birthday girl enjoyed herself and that is what is important.
Monday evening, after everyone left, we took the girls out for a sunset cruise on the lake. Crystal liked to sit in the front with the dogs - but Sam had left her sitting alone in this picture.
Then, of course, we have the captain of our ship.
Tuesday was spent going through some things that had been in storage and I wanted to know if the girls wanted any of it before we have our garage sale. Then the girls went over to see my Mom before it was time to pack up. We did leave for the airport a little early because the weather turned bad - with lots of rain and wind. However, we got the girls to Ft. Myers in plenty of time and their flight home was uneventful. We had such a great visit and we can not wait for them to come back at Christmas! However, when they come down then they will be driving and will be taking the stuff we went through back home with them (yeah!).
The last couple of days Dan and I have been putting things back in order and just sorta taking it easy - I did complete a project today - but I'll wait and show you that on my next blog. I hope you guys have a great week and I'll talk to you soon!