Sunday, January 21, 2018

Just Not Feelin It!

Hello everyone! Happy Sunday.  I'm sorry that I didn't post last Friday I just haven't been feeling all that well.  I have been just keeping a very low profile and staying inside and pretty much on the couch all the time.  In fact, yesterday I didn't get dressed and only got up to fix dinner.  

Thursday I did go to the Membership Council meeting and then Dan and I went into town to the grocery store.  Friday I cooked Breakfast Burritos for the first time in a long time - I also fixed a slow cooker meal for dinner.  Something didn't sit well on my tummy and I paid for it Friday night - in fact, I ended up finally going to sleep on the couch in the family room around 3:30 AM.  Maybe that's why I wasn't so chipper on Saturday and just spent the day on the couch, checking out different blogs and watching a couple of movies on Amazon Prime.

Speaking of Amazon Prime, did you guys know that you can watch movies as well as some TV programs on Amazon Prime??? I didn't. There are quite a few movies to chose from that are absolutely free.  Yesterday I watched an oldie but goodie - McLintock with John Wayne and then the fairly new movie Florence Jenkins with Meryl Strep.  It was a cute little movie and didn't know before that it was based on a true story.  Was it Oscar worthy?  Nope, not even close, but it was cute.  I have a few movies that I will watch in the next few weeks, months - and it's great that I don't have to pay for them.  Now, if you want there are also movies that you can rent - I don't think the "rent" is anymore than RedBox, but I don't know that for a fact as I have never rented from them.  Anyway, that's just a little side note.

Today Dan and I finally got out as the day was really nice - not too cold- and the sun was shining.  We went down to the dining room for lunch, then went for a little ride in the golf cart through the woods.

There is a nice little path through the woods that we like to ride - every once in a while we will see a deer, but not today.

This is how I ride - I know - really lazy - but it's comfortable and it's just natural way for me.

Well, that's it for today - going to watch the rest of the Jags/Pats game and then the Viking/Eagles game.  Pizza for supper.

I AM feeling much better today (except for a pain in my lower back), and I think I'll actually be up and making some changes around here tomorrow.  Stay tuned!

Hope you are having an awesome day and I'll talk to you soon!!!


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Brrr! It's cold outside

I think three quarters of the country could say that.  I'm not sure where it would be warm right now - Hawaii maybe???  South Florida??? (although they are suppose to be down in the 40's tomorrow - which is really cold for them).  

We have been in the 20's at night and the low to mid 30's during the day - we haven't had any more ice and no snow - just bitterly cold temperatures (for us) and the wind chill today put it down into single digits.

So, what have I been doing to pass the time since it's too cold to go outside?  Well, I've binge watched the PBS series Victoria - it is AWESOME!!!  I had read the book and then I decided to watch the series - I have been able to watch it for free on Amazon Prime Video.  The first episode of season two was on Monday night and I finished all but one episode before the premier of season two.  (I have since watched the last one of season one)  I have really enjoyed this show - now, I have to decide if I want to do a free trial of Netflix so I can watch the new season of The Crown or wait.  It's another really good series that I was able to watch last year on line - Season One.  I have not seen any of Season Two yet - so the dilemma.

I have also watched a couple of movies on Amazon Prime Video - yesterday I watched The Circle with Tom Hanks and Emma Watson.  It was a very interesting movie.  Would I call it great or awesome?  Nope - but it did cause you to stop and think about social media and the part it plays in our life.

Today I had to go into the store - we weren't real busy - but I did have a couple of customer's who bought some cards and one bought a book.  After I got off work I met Dan at the Café for lunch.  Then it was time to come home and get comfy, sit on the couch and enjoy the fire.

If you're looking for me - this is where I will be!

Stay warm everyone!


Monday, January 15, 2018

Weekly Recap

Last week started out slow, was busy in the middle, and then slowed down again at the end.  Monday was laundry day.  I also spent some time down with mom - checking on her and making sure she has food in.  She has gotten really bad about not buying anything but junk food - cookies, potato chips, crackers.  So, I go down to the local grocery store and buy her some frozen dinners, potatoes, and canned goods.  She is a really picky eater and sometimes it is hard for me to find anything that I think she will eat.  We have tried putting money on her ID card that she could use in the Dining Room or the little deli, but she has yet to use it.  We have bought her lunches from the dining room and taken them to her - but it's hard to find food she will eat.  Anyway, I have found that there are some frozen meals that she likes - so I will continue to buy those for her.

Tuesday was spent cleaning house - you know all the usual stuff you do when you clean - dust, clean the bathrooms, sweep the floors, mop, and run the vacuum.  I waited to do the back porch on Friday to make sure it was nice for the weekend.

Wednesday was my day to volunteer down at the store - it was VERY slow.  As in, no one even came into the shop.  That's okay, as it gave me time to get some paperwork done.  Wednesday afternoon I checked on mom again - taking her another selection of frozen dinners.  I also took in some bread and lunch meat.

Thursday morning I was up early, as I had fasting labs here at the Medical Center.  Then I came home, had some coffee, before jumping in the shower and getting ready to head to Gainesville.  I picked mom up at 10:30 and we headed down for our yearly mammogram.  We were early enough that I took her to lunch before our appointment - I went back first and then it was mom's turn.  The doctor where we go has you wait while she reads the test and she comes in and gives you the results before you leave.  We both were clear and we won't have to go back until next year.  I did do the 3D mammogram as I do have a lot of false reports - it costs more than what the insurance will pay, but it's better for my peace of mind.

After the doctor's appointment mom wanted to go to the bookstore and buy a specific book - so we went to Books-A-Million and she was able to buy the two books she was missing and pre-ordered the next one by the same author.  It will be shipped directly to her when the book is released on the 30th.  Much simpler than having to make an additional trip to Gainesville.

Friday Dan and I headed over to Lake City for his follow up with his new cardiologist.  The cardiologist he had been seeing left the group - so, Dan is now seeing the doctor that performed his surgery for his ICD.  He had a good check up and the doctor has given us the goal of losing 10 pounds in 5 months (well, actually 4 months as we will see him again in May), but that is a doable goal and so we are working on it. (It would be easier if the weather would cooperate.)

After leaving the doctor's office we went down to the bank that we had the Escape financed through to close that account.  When the Escape was paid off they didn't take into account the last payment that I had made - so we had some money left in the account.  We decided that we didn't need another account in a different bank - so it was easy to just close the account.

Then it was off to Cracker Barrel for an early lunch before heading back toward home.  We did make a stop at Publix to pick up the pastries for the coffee we were hosting on Saturday (my Coffee on the Back Porch entry) before coming home and finishing up the cleaning of the house.  I cleaned the back porch but I was pretty sure that we would not be having the coffee on the actual back porch due to the cold weather.  After getting everything cleaned Dan decided that we needed to go back into town to WalMart and pick up a few other things.  While we were in town we stopped at a local buffet (Fusion Cooking) for supper before coming back home.  We stopped at mom's and I took her in some more frozen dinners (I picked up a good assortment at WalMart, as they had a better selection than our little store here).  Then it was home to get everything set up for the coffee.

Which brings us to Sunday - which was spent sitting on the couch watching the football playoffs.  I didn't even get out of my p.j.'s all day!  Now I will say that we did make a major goof - Sunday night was Pal Night and we forgot - I just plain out forgot.  I had not looked at the calendar since Wednesday so I didn't realize that it was this past Sunday.  Anyway, the point is, we just didn't do a darn thing all day on Sunday.  (No, we didn't go to church - there is a lot of flu going around and we have decided that until the "epidemic" has past we will just watch the service on TV.  So, while we didn't "go to church" we did "go to church" - does that make sense???)

So, that was my week.  Hope you had a great week and we'll "see" you soon!


Saturday, January 13, 2018

Coffee on Porch

Right after we moved back into the house after all the renovations, Dan and I talked about hosting a "Coffee on the Back Porch" for our neighbors and friends.  We wanted to have something a little more informal than the Christmas Open House and thought that a drop in for morning coffee would be a great opportunity to have some time with friends.  I even went on line and found a person who made custom house flags.  I worked with her and designed a special flag for us to fly on the day of the get together.  BUT all we did was talk about it.  So, finally, I looked at Dan and said "We're either going to do it, or stop talking about it".  We decided to do it and put it on the calendar for the second Saturday of the month - starting in January.

So, today was the day - however, the weather didn't want to cooperate with us - with temperatures down around 39 - a little chilly to be sitting on the back porch.  However, that didn't stop us - no sir - we just moved it into the family room and added a nice cozy fire in the fireplace!

Before Dan started the fire - and, as you can see, it's still dark outside since we started at 7:30!

I put coffee on the buffet and had a few goodies on the table - muffins and a couple of coffee cakes.  We had no idea how many, if any people, would come since the weather was so cold.  But I brewed three pots of coffee (2 regular and one decaf) and was ready for 20 or 0.

Decaf in the carafe and regular coffee in this pot and the pot in the kitchen.

I found this little holder over a year ago - can't remember where - but I took Starbucks Frapachino bottles, cleaned them up, spray painted the tops with chalkboard paint, added the stickers, then filled them with milk, powdered creamer, and half and half.  There is raw sugar in the canister and sweet n' low packets along with regular sugar in the little basket.

 The whole set up ready for guests.

Two different types of coffee cake and two types of mini muffins.

On the table I put a simple burlap table runner and then took two metal tubs from IKEA and put coffee beans and then a votive candle.  When the candles heated the beans they emitted a wonderful coffee scent.

Well, I have to admit that it didn't really go over as we thought it would.  Even though we told everyone on our street and several of our friends - only one couple came.  That was really okay - it gave us the opportunity to really sit and talk and get to know this couple better.  I'm sure that the weather was one of the reasons and a some people told us that they wouldn't be able to be here due to one thing or another (trip out of town for a funeral, visit a sick parent, and one of our dearest friends had surgery on Tuesday and is still in the hospital).  While I was a little disappointed in the turn out - we will try again next month.  As I told Dan, I think it will get better when the weather gets better - and if it doesn't - well, we don't have to do this.  So, the plan is to give a couple more months and if the attendance doesn't get better we will just let this be a learning opportunity and "let it go".

Have a good one my friends!


Monday, January 8, 2018

A do Nothing Day

Today was just one of "those" days.  I just didn't feel like doing much of anything - I cooked lunch and I cooked supper and I cleaned up the kitchen.  That was about it.

Yes, I've asked myself why and the only thing I can come up with is I'm just mentally and emotionally drained.  You see, this past weekend was a rough one for me.  It was my nephew's memorial service outside Atlanta. 

Dan and I drove over to Lake City where we met my youngest daughter and her husband.  We transferred my suitcase into their car and the three of us headed up to Bethlehem, GA - which is outside Atlanta on the east side - close to Loganville (or between Atlanta and Athens).  We arrived at our hotel close to 10 PM and promptly got settled in for the night.  

Saturday we had to go buy Justin (my SIL) some shoes and I needed some tights to wear under my pants as the temperatures were in the 20's.  We were lucky in that there was a brand new shopping "mall" across the highway from our hotel and within a short amount of time we had what we needed.  We ate a quick lunch then headed back to the hotel to get ready (three adults getting ready in one room takes some time).  

The church was only about 10 minutes from the hotel and we arrived 15 minutes before the service was to begin.  I was able to see my sister-in-law and two nieces before the service and we waited in the "family room" and then were seated with other family members.  We were the only ones there from my side of the family as my brother passed away right before we got off the road.  My oldest daughter was going to drive down, but she has the flu.  Mom isn't up to traveling like this - so it was just Melissa, Justin, and I.

The service was very heart retching as my nephew's fiance spoke along with other family members.  It is always difficult when a family member passes away, but when the circumstances are what they were here - well, it's just doubly hard for everyone.  After the service we did go over to my niece's house, who lives in the area, for a short amount of time.

After going back to the hotel and changing clothes we went to a restaurant that was close and had dinner before going back and going to bed.  I think it was starting to catch up to all of us.

We woke up Sunday morning to temperatures  in the teens.  We quickly packed our belongings and loaded the car. Then we headed back home as it was a good eight hour trip for the kids and a four hour trip to drop me off. Dan met us in Valdosta where we once again transferred my stuff over then Dan and I went to get some lunch while the kids headed on down to Lakeland.  

When we got home I unpacked and did all my laundry - even went down to mom's and fixed her shower curtain, which had fallen, and then we went down to the "Lopin' Gopher" for dinner.  However, once I sat down on the couch I think it all caught up with me.  I was just exhausted - physically, emotionally, in every way you can think.

I took it very easy today - never got out of my pj's - and I am feeling better tonight.  I'm just going to sit on the couch tonight and cheer for my Alabama Crimson Tide to Roll all over Georgia and take home the Championship.

Roll Tide ROLL!!!!!

Hugs everyone!!!!

Friday, January 5, 2018


Well, all week our temperatures have been in the low 20's at night.  We had freezing rain one day (Wednesday), but no snow.  Well, guess what I forgot to do.  Take in or, for that matter, cover any of our out-door plants.

When I went to my mom's on Tuesday I got all her plants into her garage for her, but do you think I would even think that I would need to bring my plants in?  Must not.

It was not until today, as Dan and I were getting in the car to go meet our neighbors for breakfast, that I looked at our poor pitiful plants and said - "Guess we'll start over in the spring".

Even the poor plants next to the house got a big hit.  I really don't know if they will come back or not.  Especially the spider plants.  The ivy looks like it will be fine but the others - well, like I said, we'll just start over in the spring.  Sometimes you just have to do that anyway, right???

I did finally braved the cold and go out back - surprisingly the plants in the back yard don't look that bad.  The pansy's are still blooming and the Camilla's are getting ready to pop.

Even some of the plants on the patio seemed to have survived the cold.

This Million Bells plant looks great - and yes, that is part of a couple of Christmas trees in the background. Just ignore them please -  I'll get those down next week (As long as the weather warms up - if not they can wait till March!  Not really, but it sounds good, doesn't it?) Really, I will get them down next week, along with the two small Christmas garden flags that are still out. 

As a side note, I really have no idea why it is taking me so long to pack up all of Christmas - the garage is still a mess because everything is not put away - so no car in the garage.  Next week Christmas decorations, next week, and then you will be packed away all safe and warm.

Looking at all this makes me realize that we still have soooo much work to do in the yard - but all that will have to wait until I can stand to be outside longer than 30 seconds.  (I have never been meant to be a cold weather girl!)

Take care all my cold hardy friends and I'll talk to you next week!!!


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Brrrrr! It''s cold outside!!

Oh boy!  It's really cold here (by Florida standards).  I'm sure my friends up north would laugh at us, but when we woke up this morning it was a crisp 27 degrees and a frozen wonderland outside.

I was sitting on the couch thinking - I really don't want to get up and get ready to go open the shop when I know I'll be the only person there.

There were icicles everywhere and the weather men were saying there was black ice on the roadways.

Not only were there icicles there was freezing rain that might turn into snow.

See the rain falling in the background?

But, like a good volunteer, I was all ready to go get in the shower, get dressed, and head into the shop.  I mean I figured I could read all day, right?

Didn't matter that my car was all frozen - it would thaw out eventually.

Then, who should come to my rescue but my "boss". I talked to her just before heading in to get ready and she told me to stay home - no body needed to be out in the weather!  And guess what, I didn't argue with her!

So, just a nice day quiet day spent on the couch with a fire in the fireplace.

All the ice has melted now, but they are calling for even colder temperatures tonight and all this water will refreeze.  Glad I don't have to be anywhere until Friday!

Hope you all are staying warm!

Oh, and no we didn't get any snow!  Darn it!!!!


Monday, January 1, 2018

Hello 2018

Happy New Year everyone!  Dan and I welcomed the New Year in by sleeping!  Yep, we went to bed around 9 PM and I read for awhile before turning over and going to sleep.  We are such party animals!!!  LOL!!!!

Today I'm spending the day watching football - ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!! and also starting my Bullet Journal (going to try something different this year).  We have lots of hopes and goals for the new year. 

I don't make "resolutions", but I do think about what I would like to accomplish in the new year and I pick a word as a beacon to follow during the year.  This year my word is "INTENTIONAL".  So, what does that mean?  Well, for me,  a lot of things.

First, I want to be "intentional" in my relationships - whether that means more intentional "me" time or special times with Dan.  It also means to be intentional with fostering my relationships with friends (lunch/coffee with girlfriends once a month) and being more attentive to my mom.

Next, I want to be "intentional" in our finances.  We have some big goals this year with the house which means we will need to save some big amounts of money to get it accomplished without big debt.  We are blessed that we have no credit card debt and we want to strive to make sure we continue.  We also want to work on paying the principal down on the HELOC on mom's house (she did a HELOC instead of a mortgage).  We also want to build our "general" saving account up to a specific amount - this does not take into account the house project account.  We have been really good the last couple of years and we just want to continue and expand a little on what we have been doing.

Then I want to be "intentional" in relationship to my health and fitness.  I have sorta put myself on the back burner and haven't worked that hard on myself - so, I want to put myself back in the equation.  I want to lose 21 pounds and I want to work on my fitness level too - my goal is to walk an hour a day, but the next 30 days I am on a walking challenge to get myself up to 10,000 steps a day that is recommended (right now I average 5,000 - 6,000).  Dan and I both got FitBit's for Christmas which should help.  I'll be sharing how that goes on the blog.

I want to be more "intentional" with my time - not spending so much time on the Internet (Facebook, Pinterest, Amazon, games) and more on things that make a difference in our life - from spending more time on the house (cleaning, cooking, etc) and more time reading.  I also want to be spend more time building my relationship with God.

And Finally, I want to be more "intentional" with the blog.  I've thought quite a bit about the blog and what I wanted to do - do I just want to stop writing or do I want to devote more time to it?  I enjoy writing my blog (although you couldn't tell that with what I did in 2017 - once a month - REALLY????) so, I have decided that I want to continue.  Which means I need to make sure I post more.  I'm just going to share my life - there might be some DIY projects posts, some landscaping posts, some decorating, some health/fitness posts, some travel posts, and maybe even some posts about the babies.

So, as you can see, I have a lot of goals and aspirations for the new year.  Let's see if I can keep my focus and stay on track.


Where does time go?

I have really fallen off the blogging wagon I guess.  I can't seem to get a schedule down so I don't post - but it's been almost...