Okay, I thought I said that I didn't want to move again. No, don't worry, we aren't moving, but we are having to pack up everything in the whole house like we are moving, because when we do actually get started on the remodeling the entire house house has to be empty. Everything has to be packed up and moved into a storage unit - - or at least somewhere out of the house. We are saying that we might not move the beds out - just put them in the middle of the rooms and cover them with plastic, but they are going to have to go somewhere when we do the floors. So, I don't know what we will do there yet. Anyway, I have started the packing process and I am NOT happy about it; however, I know that it is a step in the direction that we want to go in. This is one of the steps that has to be taken before the actual work can begin and we have made a pretty good dent into it. We are going to put most of the kitchen in the garage instead of the storage unit, but we still have to empty all the cabinets. I know that it is going to be a lot of work, but it will all be worth it when it is all finished in about two to three months.
We have not started on the actual remodeling project yet, we are still waiting on the bank to get their act together - - the branch here in Lake Placid says they don't understand what the hold up is - we have signed all the paperwork that we need to so far -- we are just waiting on the bank to order an appraisal (which we don't understand why we need - the original appraisal we had done when we bought the house will cover the amount of the loan that we want, but you know how bank are). Anyway, it has been three weeks since we have signed the original paperwork and were told that we would close on the loan in a week. The branch manager called us Friday and wanted to know if we had heard from the appraiser yet, and when I told her no she almost had a fit - so I think we will hear something next week as she said she would find out what the hold up is. We shall see.
The kitchen has been delivered and Dan and I went through all the boxes and found that we were short an few items. I called the Orlando IKEA store and talked to them and thought I might get a run around on getting the pieces that we were missing. I was pleasantly surprised to find that not only did they not give me a hard time they will be delivering the missing cabinets on Wednesday of this coming week. Dan and I have been very impressed with the service from the IKEA store and the delivery department.
We went out yesterday looking for different things for the house yesterday - - we still have to decide on tile and floor coverings. I think that we have found the tile for the bathrooms and we did buy the bathroom vanity for the master bathroom - - and it came in under budget (yeah!). I think that the tile will come in under budget also -- and the kitchen was under budget as well as the granite counter tops. So far, we are doing well - but you know how things go -- I am sure that something is going to cost more than was originally planned and I hope that by being under on some of these under areas that it will all work out.
I think that we have also found the chairs for in front of the fireplace and I think we have decided that we are going to do a recliner for Dan and a chair for me that is called a "Push over chair" instead of doing a sectional in the Great room. Then do a couple of accent chairs for guests. At least that is the plan this week - - but we still have time to change our minds again, but I don't think we will - Dan really wants a recliner and the size of the Great Room just will not fit a recliner for him (he just can't have a "regular" size recliner) and a couch and a chair for me. So, we shall see. I have picked out the upholstery material for "my" chair (Dan's recliner will be leather) and the upholstery for the chairs for the fireplace. Still looking for material for drapes for the dining room, but I know what blinds I'm going to put in there. We still have to decide on the furniture for the bedroom -- we haven't agreed on anything yet, but we will get there. We have found the dining room furniture and we have the bar stools for the kitchen island.
We also have to decide when we are going to have a "garage" sale and get rid of the furniture we have now that we are not going to keep -- like the breakfast nook table and chairs - - the chair and a half that I use as "my" chair now - the TV stand and coffee table that our kids gave us as well as a baker's rack that is in the Dining room now. All that will probably be done AFTER the project is complete because I just can't imagine having time to do it now - plus we might have some other stuff that we will want to get sell. I just hope to get the project going soon!
Well, one other thing before I sign off (and I will try and do better about blogging). I had a pretty good health scare last week - in fact, I didn't work last Friday afternoon and had to go back to Lakeland for more tests on Monday, but everything turned out to be okay -- The tests came back that I am fine. I will say that I was pretty scared last weekend, but thank the good Lord all is okay. Now, I won't mention it again.
I wish you all a very happy Easter!! Hope you all have a good week - 32 more school days (6 weeks). I think that I can make that. Take care and I'll talk to you next week!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
A lot of things going on
Sorry I haven't posted in a couple of weeks - but a lot of things have been going on. I really don't have the time today to catch you up to date today, but I will do that in the very near future - just know that things are moving ahead with the remodel - we have purchased the kitchen and it is suppose to be delivered next week. We are waiting for the bank to finalize some things before the "real" project can begin - hopefully that will all come together next week also. I have some other tests that have come up with the doctor's. All should be over by tomorrow, at least that is the plan. I'll keep you posted. In the meantime - you guys take care and I'll talk to you later.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Spring Break over!
This week has really flown by, and I'm sorry to say that Spring Break is over! However, I think that Dan and I got a lot accomplished. The first part of the week was taken up with doctors appointments. Last Sunday I was prepping for the colonsocopy, which anyone will tell you is, by far, the worst part of the entire procedure. Monday went fine and I was told that I didn't have to have the procedure done again for five years - which is a first for me - I have always had to have it done every three years due to family history. Hey, did you guys know that they send you home with pictures of your colon now? I'm NOT going to post these, but I thought that it was sorta interesting - another "advancement" of medicine. Tuesday we took the pups into Lakeland to their vet. Dr. Latner said they were doing fine, except Samantha is a "little" overweight. (Big surprise - not!) He said that she could lose about 3 - 5 pounds and it would make it easier for her to jump up on things, so believe it or not, Dan has agreed to put her (actually, both of the pups) on a "diet". We are still "free" feeding - only we put down a set amount of food (3/4 of a cup in the morning and 3/4 in the evening). We are going to have to watch and make sure that Jessie gets her fair share, but so far, it seems to be working out okay. They aren't getting table scraps (okay, maybe last bite) but not like they were getting - and I have bought green beans to give them as their between meal "snack" if they get too hungry. We shall see how long this will last. Wednesday, we were back into Lakeland for my mammogram, bone density, blood work, and recheck with the doctor since being put on the migraine prevention medication. The blood work was fine and the doctor said that I was doing great - now just have to wait for the results of the bone density and mammogram. By the way, when I went to do the bone density, I had forgotten that I had had one done in 2002 at Watson Clinic - but they had the records. I am 1/4 inch shorter (not bad) and I weigh 3/4 of a pound more - now, that really surprised me! Of course, I know that I have lost quite a bit of weight in the last 4 months, but I thought I was really skinny back in 2002 - so to only weigh 3/4 of a pound more - wow! Also, when we were at the Women's Center to have the mammogram done I ran into an old friend of mine from when I taught school at Sikes in Lakeland - I gave her one of our old 'business cards' with our email address on it and I'm hoping she will email and we can get back in touch. I'll just have to wait and see. As you know from last weeks blog Dan had to have some work done on his boat - they came out and took the starter off - well the parts came in on Thursday and they came out and put them on. Dan took the tech out for a ride on the lake because he didn't think the motor was running right. Sure enough the tech said that there was a problem with the motor, so, we took the boat into the shop on Friday - so another weekend without the boat for the lake. Dan does want to get the boat running right before the 'season' starts, so now is the time to get everything done that needs to be done. Friday we also went into the bank and talked to them. The contractor had finally gotten all the paperwork to the bank on Thursday afternoon and we have done everything that we need to do, so now it is just wait and see if the 'powers that be' approve the financing. The branch manager here doesn't think that there will be a problem, but the paperwork has to be submitted to the main office in Lakeland and be approved there. So, it could take up to a month to get all that stuff done. Anyway, it doesn't look like we will actually start to work on the house until MAY - and I was having problems waiting until April. Oh well, it will get done - I just have to be patient. Saturday we bought groceries and today I'm doing laundry - then tomorrow it will be back to work. Next week will be the the finally push before state testing - the following week IS testing week. Then the next week will be a four day week because of Good Friday. When we get back after Easter we will have 6 weeks of school left - the countdown is ON! I'm sure I will document it well in this blog! I think we are going to spend some time in the pool this afternoon, and just relax a little before I have to go back to work tomorrow. I hope that you all had a good week and that next week will be a good one for you as well. Take care and I'll talk to you later!
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Where does time go?
I have really fallen off the blogging wagon I guess. I can't seem to get a schedule down so I don't post - but it's been almost...

I let you in on a little secret yesterday on my Monday Menu post - I don't usually cook breakfast - Mountain Man does. However, th...
When we did our house renovation we knew that we had to address our fireplace. We love having a fireplace - even in South Florida (I know, ...