Saturday, December 30, 2017

December Recap - Part 2

On my last recap post I stopped when I headed home from the Lakeland after a fun fill week of Christmas programs of both the girls

Adalyn's birthday party and day with her Aunt Tul

Wednesday, I drove home - unpacked, shared all the stuff I bought, and did laundry.  Thursday we headed up to Valdosta to pick up things for the Open House that we were having on Tuesday. 

Saturday I started preparing things that could be frozen or that would keep until Tuesday.  I also cleaned the house and porch and did another load of laundry.

Sunday was church and the Christmas Cantata.  It was an excellent production that we enjoyed very much.  Then we went over to the Dining Room for lunch, came home and watched some football as I tried to plan the rest of the week.

Monday was crunch time for the party - I spent most of the day in the kitchen making ,at of the homemade items that we served.  But we did make a quick trip into town to Publix for all the last minute things that I needed.

Tuesday was a very busy day - cooking, cleaning, getting ready, putting the finishing touches on the decorations all before people arrived early.  I didn't get the first picture of the party, but that's okay.  We had a wonderful time and I think all our guests had a wonderful time.  I was pleasantly surprised that a lot of the food was eaten so we didn't have a ton of left overs.  What was left Dan put on a couple of trays and took to the Maintenance Crew on Wednesday while I worked my shift at the store.

Thursday was doing some last minute straightening up and laundry before getting ready to head back to Lakeland.  

Friday was the President's Reception here.  It is a very nice affair with plenty of snacks and goodies for everyone.  The entire Village is invited - so there is quite a  crowd there.

Saturday Dan and I took it easy and watched football most of the day. Saturday evening we went down to our friends house for hot dogs on the fire pit and some time with their nephew's family visiting from Washington.  There were lots of laughs and some crazy antics but a good time was had by all.

  Then Sunday morning we were up fairly early, packed the suitcase, loaded all the gifts in the back of my car (along with the bar stools we were giving my daughter), grabbed Jessie and headed to Lakeland.  We were not in a hurry and decided to take the back roads to avoid all the traffic we figured would be on the Interstate.  

We arrived at Melissa's house around 2:30 - in time to help get the girls ready for Church at 4:00 after unloading all the gifts and putting them in Melissa and Justin's room.  Then Crystal, Emily and I went to Olive Garden and picked up the food Melissa had ordered.  Both sides of the family came to the house for Christmas Eve dinner - counting the kids there were 16 people there.  After dinner the girls opened their one present on Christmas Eve - which is Christmas PJ's and a Christmas movie (this year was Polar Express).  After their bath and putting their PJ's Dan and I headed down to our hotel room. 

Since Crystal and the girls dad were staying with Melissa there wasn't a place for Dan and I - so we had made reservations at the Holiday Inn Express.  We had to leave Jessie had the house with the kids because the hotel didn't accept dogs.

Sunday morning we were up early - ate a bite at the hotel then headed down to the kids.  When we arrived the babies were still asleep -

As we waited for Auntie Emmie to come the adults passed the time by drinking coffee and talking.  Finally it was time to wake the girls up and start the fun.

Lorelai sitting in her Aunt Tul's lap.

Both girls waking up.  Then they started on their stockings.  I won't bore you with the 200 plus photo's I took of the girls opening their presents - but I will show a picture of the girls in front of their haul (from their house).

After opening their presents at their house they went to Justin's parents house and had another marathon of presents.  While they were gone Dan and I went over to Dan's oldest daughter's house and had Christmas with his kids.  After visiting for a couple of hours we headed back to Melissa's and spent some time there before going back to the hotel for the night.

Tuesday morning we got the car loaded - went by Melissa's to pick up Jessie and tell everyone good-bye.  Crystal and her dad weren't leaving until Wednesday so were able to tell them bye also.  Once again we took the back roads as we figured the Interstate would be packed with travelers.  We got home with no trouble - unloaded the car, unpacked and got the laundry started.  We had stopped on the way home in Mayo and picked up a rack of ribs from Sonny C's and with some pork n' beans we had dinner.

Wednesday morning I had to work at the shop then Dan met me for lunch at the café.  My niece (my brother's oldest daughter who lives in Tallahassee) was supposed to come on Thursday to see my mom with her brother's ex-wife and the twin boys, however; Jenny called me while at work.  She was extremely upset and told me that her brother had committed suicide and they had just found him.  He lived up in Atlanta - so I have been waiting to get information of when the funeral will be.  I had to go to Mom's and tell her that Will had died (I didn't tell her that he committed suicide - I didn't figure she needed to have that as her last memory of her only grandson).  She took the news fairly well and I will let her know when the service will be held.  I don't think we will go up to Atlanta - she isn't up to a trip like that.  I guess we shall wait and see.

Yesterday we got all of Christmas taken down and MOST of it put away - there is still some things in the garage and for some reason we don't have enough crates for everything.  Don't know how that happened, but anyway, we will get it all put away sooner or later.

We are waiting now for Dan's niece from Michigan along with her husband to arrive for the night.  They will be headed down further south for the winter but wanted to stop and spend the night with us and visit.  

And that catches you all up.  Now, I still haven't shown pictures of the house decorated - so I'll close with a few pictures of the house.

Talk to you soon!


Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas!!!!

Dan, Jessie and I just wanted
to stop by and
wish every one
Very Merry Christmas!!!


Dan, Carol and Jessie

Friday, December 22, 2017

December Recap

December started out with Dan having a doctor's appointment here in the village - he had an excellent report on his blood work and he is doing much better since his little trip to the hospital last month.  Right after he returned home the lumber for the pergola was delivered. 

Did I tell you we sold the truck FINALLY?  No???  Well I guess it was just after Thanksgiving a man came up from outside Orlando and bought the truck - it was the same year as one his dad had had and he was really excited to get it.  In fact, he and Dan went straight into town and did all the paperwork so he had a tag and title when he left Live Oak.  Anyway, we are really glad that the truck went to someone who will "love it" the way it needs and it gave us all the money we needed to build the pergola!

Saturday I worked on finishing up the Christmas decorations and Sunday we went to church before heading over to the dining room for lunch.  I was still trying to get over the "virus" and tried to stay away from people even though I was told I wasn't contagious. 

Dan had dress rehearsal Monday and Tuesday night, but I didn't go down because we didn't think I needed to be in the cool night air.  So, I did not see any of the play this year.  

Wednesday morning I left for Lakeland - Lorelai had her first Christmas program at school on Wednesday night.  It was a really cute program and Lorelai did an awesome job.

Thursday turned cold (even cold down in Lakeland, but really cold at home and raining).  I went to a couple of stores - Kirklands, Kohl's, and Target) and picked up a few things for the house and some serving pieces for the Christmas Open House.  I talked to Dan Thursday afternoon as I received an email that the Christmas program had been cancelled for Thursday night due to the rain.  There was the Christmas Parade in Lakeland, but I just didn't feel like going - so it ended up with Justin taking the two girls and Melissa and I stayed home.

Friday I went to Hobby Lobby, but didn't find much - all their Christmas stuff had really been picked over and I really didn't find much other than some Christmas picks - so didn't spend but about $10.00.  The program at home was cancelled again due to the rain.

Friday night Crystal was flying in from Nashville for Adalyn's birthday party - she texted around 2 and said her flight was delayed by two hours - so the 9:30 PM arrival had been pushed back to 11:30.  There was supposed to be some bad weather coming in to the area Friday night - so Melissa rode with me to the airport in Tampa.  We went to the cell phone lot, so we didn't have to pay for parking and waited.  The bad weather hit right after we got into the lot and talk about rain and wind!  They closed the airport for about 1/2 an hour waiting for the front to pass.  Crystal said, after she finally landed and we picked her up, that they circled the airport for about 45 minutes waiting for the weather to clear.  Anyway, we finally got home a little after 1 in the morning, but we were all up fairly early.

Saturday was Adalyn's birthday party and Melissa had the party at Family Fun Center instead of at the house.

 After all the fun at the kids birthday party - we headed back to the house for a "family" party.  Justin's parents and sister's family came over and we had another "party".

Sunday was a quiet day with the girls playing with their Aunt Tul and with all of Addie's new toys.

Sunday night we all jumped in the car and went to Lakeland Festival of Lights at the Nazarene Church.  We went last year, but Crystal wasn't able to go.  It was fun, but Adalyn wouldn't go to any of the characters to have her picture taken nor would she sit on Santa's lap.  Lorelai loved all the different characters and wanted her picture taken with every single one.

A lot of fun, but soon it was time to head home as Lorelai had school on Monday.

Speaking of Monday - that was actually Adalyn's birthday and Crystal wanted to do something special with just Ada.  (Of course, I had to tag along since I had the car).  First we went to Chick-Fil-A for breakfast - Ada played in the playground until she was tired.  

After breakfast we headed to Picasso, which is a ceramic shop, where the three of us each painted a Christmas ornament.  Ada did really well on the first coat, but by the third coat she was pretty much over it.  BUT, it will be a great family ornament for the tree and a great reminder of her fourth birthday with her Aunt Tul and Nana.

Then it was off to Starbucks for some hot chocolate and cookies.

All good things must come to an end and after our visit to Starbucks we headed back to the house to get Crystal's luggage and Ada's other grandmother picked her up for a special treat.  Then Crystal and I headed back to the airport for her flight back to Nashville.  When I got home I pretty much crashed and slept really well.

Tuesday was Ada's program at her school. 

Her class sang "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" and they were so cute!

Wednesday morning it was time for Nana to head for home - so I told both the girls bye on Tuesday night and then got up bright and early Wednesday and headed back to Dowling Park.

Well, this has been a very picture heavy post and we are only half way through the month.  So, I think I'll close for now and do the last half of the month next week (Christmas decorations AFTER Christmas - how unique is that???)

Anyway, since Dan and I are leaving Sunday morning for Christmas down in Lakeland I just wanted to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!  I'll see you the week between Christmas and New Year's!

Hugs to all!


Where does time go?

I have really fallen off the blogging wagon I guess.  I can't seem to get a schedule down so I don't post - but it's been almost...