Okay, how many of you have gotten on the Keurig band wagon?

Dan and I have been doing the "should we/shouldn't we" dance for about six months.
We think about how convenient it would be to go in and fix a cup of coffee whenever -
but, then we talk about how expensive the K-cups are.
Then we also talk about how we still like to have a whole pot of coffee in the morning.
So, we talk ourselves into one, and then talk ourselves out of one.
Dan had decided that he was going to buy me one for Christmas - I talked him out of it.
Now, fate decided to rear it's ugly head.
Our coffee pot that we have had for about four years decided to go out on us. So, we had to make a decision.
Well, we were out looking a couple of weeks ago - and had pretty much decided on the middle Keurig model - not the cheap one, but not the most expensive one either. When, what to our wondering eye should appear, but this -----

The absolute best of BOTH worlds -
and cost less than the cheaper less expensive model Keurig.
You can still make a full pot of coffee - OR - you can do individual cups. PLUS, you don't use K-cups.
Nor do you have to buy the strainer thing that you have to use
with the Keurig.
You can use your own coffee and adjust the strength of your coffee.
Plus - it is programmable.
guess what came home with us.
here she sits in our kitchen.
Love it!
So, IF you haven't jumped on the Keurig band wagon - you might want to consider this Hamilton Beach model.
We have really enjoyed it so far
(it was really nice last week when I was so sick -
Dan was able to fix me hot drinks
without having to fix
a whole pot of coffee).
Oh, just a little disclaimer - I am not being compensated by Hamilton Beach (yeah, I wish) in any way and the opinion stated here is strictly my own.
Hope you guys have a fabulous rest of your week!
Hugs -