Okay - I know that I said that I would, hopefully, have pictures to post this week of destruction in the house- well, that just didn't happen this week - and it isn't going to happen next week.
Dan had a meeting with the builder on Monday. Let us just say that I was not the happiest of campers when I got home on Monday and found out that the construction would not start this week. Dan said that Mark would be at the house on Thursday to meet with us - so I would have a chance to let him know how I felt.
Tuesday was my birthday. After work, yes I worked on my birthday, we went over to my mom's for dinner. Before we left the house the UPS man showed up with my present from all my girls. I think you all remember that my girls had given me a NOOK for Christmas a couple of years ago but then this last year between Thanksgiving and Christmas it quit working. I had called the them and wouldn't replace it because it was past the warranty date by 2 days. Anyway, I haven't had my NOOK now for over five months. Well, when I opened my present I had a Kindle instead of a NOOK. When I called the girls in Atlanta to thank them, the NOOK came up and Crystal said that NOOK couldn't guarantee that I wouldn't have the same problem again - soooo, I got the Kindle instead. I'm excited - it looks like it will do some things that the NOOK wouldn't do.
Wednesday was just a typical day. Thursday the contractor came with the men that will be working on the house. Mark explained that he had to schedule his crews two weeks out and that he would be having his scheduling meeting the next morning. He would call Dan and let him know, for sure, when we went on the books. He knows that I want the work done as quickly as possible, but I also want it done right. We shall see. After our meeting with Mark, Dan and I went out to Tower View for dinner.
Then it was Friday, glorious Friday! Melissa and Justin came over Friday afternoon to spend some time in the pool - Dan had fixed Chicken and Dumplings (a recipe from Southern Living - it was okay) and we ate by the pool. Saturday morning Dan and I went out to Main Street for breakfast before the kids came back over for Justin to help Dan move the big pieces of furniture - then it was back in the pool for a quick dip before the rain storm moved in.
This morning we were awaken by a huge thunderstorm and lightning strikes right outside the house - literally. I was hoping to sleep in a little today - but that was not to be. Oh well, we were able to get all the little things (the small boxes and baskets) moved and I got all the laundry done. I was also able to balance the checkbook and get all the bills paid for the month. Now, I'm all ready to move all the rest of our stuff to Melissa's next week (you know, work clothes, makeup, etc.).
Now, I have taken some pictures of the "before" of the house. We have packed all that we can pack and have put everything we can into storage - so at the end of the blog you will see just how empty the house is right now. I'll explain some of them when I get to them.
The first picture though is one of a bird nest in the palm in the front yard - a mockingbird built the nest and we have four little babies. We have had several rain storms (and I do mean storms) in the last couple of days and I was a little worried for the babies - but momma bird seems to take good care of the babies and the nest has survived the storms.

I hope you can see the nest in the picture, but it was taken through the front window as I don't want to go outside and disturb the nest.
Now, to the house.

This is the guest bedroom - you see the suitcase on the bed - and the shoes lined up on the floor? This is where Dan has decided to keep the little bit of stuff he has kept out.

As you can see the kitchen is already starting to come apart - but my Mother's Day flowers are still beautiful!

Not much is left in the living room/dining room. The entertainment center is staying right where it is for now - we are going to cover it up with some heavy plastic, because the only thing they will be doing in that room will be scrap the ceiling and move some electrical. We will put new flooring in the room, but for the most part the structure of this room will stay the same.

And the bedroom is pretty much empty except for the bed. As you can tell, we are living on just what we have to have.
Well. I think that I have bored you enough for this week - so I guess I'll close for now. I hope that you all have a great week ahead and I'll talk to you next week.
P.S. If you read the blog yesterday you would have seen some errors - see what happens when you don't proof read? I've gone back in this morning and fixed it (I hope). If there are any other errors - please forgive this older lady!