I really do have good intentions.
I think that I will do posts every week - if not every day.
BUT - something always seems to get in the way.
So, let's see if I can do a quick recap of the month.
Tuesday, May 2nd, was the Membership Banquet here at the Village. Since I am on the board, it was sorts imperative that I be there. It was the first time that Dan had been "out an about" in his Life Vest - there were several questions from people at our table - but Dan handled it very well. It was a relaxing evening.
The 3rd was a volunteer day - I have really gotten where I use these morning as a "catch up" day with paperwork. If I could just figure out how to get the computer down to the shop and on the Internet I might be able to do weekly posts from there (I sure don't have many customers!)
Thursday the 4th was busy - I started the day with Fasting Labs at 8. Then I went down and bought the tag for my car. Mom had a Dermatologist appointment at 10:45 and she had a couple of biopsies done. Then at 2 I had an Executive Committee Meeting. Whew!
Friday, May 5th, we had breakfast on the street at one of our neighbor's home - It was a very good breakfast with Belgium Waffles, Bacon, Sausage, fruit, orange juice, and coffee. Yummy!!!
Saturday was Market Day and a Village Wide Garage Sale. Dan and I decided that we had enough going on that we weren't going to get involved in the garage sale - but we did go and visit everyone that did have one. I picked up a dog bed for the back porch for $.50 and a small wicker basket for the same amount. I guess we were really big spenders!!!
I did not volunteer on the 10th, as it was my birthday and Dan wanted me to take the day off. We didn't do anything fancy, but it was a nice day to just relax.
Thursday I had a doctor's appointment. I thought all was going fine and my blood work it FABULOUS!!! However, I am having issues with my blood pressure - not being high, but WAY to low - like 80's over 60's. Thursday it was 84/63 and my doctor is a little concerned. I'm suppose to take my blood pressure occasionally during the month and wear compression socks at night with my feet propped up. If I start having system's before my next appointment I'm to call. Truthfully, I get dizzy occasionally and when I have been taking my blood pressure it is still low and my pulse rate is really high (last night it was 101 - and I had been sitting). I'll wait and talk to my doctor when I have my appointment next month.
Thursday afternoon Dan decided that he wanted to go into town to the Ford dealership and see what cars they had. We have been talking about getting a new to us car - but everytime we think we have found one we like we don't want to pay the amount they want (or finance for 8 years!). Anyway, was I surprised when Dan decided that he liked a 2014 Escape and the payment was reasonable. So........we came home with a new to us car!
Then we spent Friday cleaning the garage so I can actually park the car IN the garage! Wonder of wonders!!!!
Saturday morning we went to Madison to the Fancy Flea Market. I had been looking forward to this since last April - the one that was suppose to be held in September was cancelled due to the hurricane that hit our area that weekend. Anyway, while I loved going and looking at all the stuff - we didn't buy anything!
We came home and was spending some time on the back patio and back porch when Dan says "I think we need some excitement". I'm like - "What kind of excitement????" He says, "Oh, I don't know, just some excitement."
Well, about that time the back door opens and my daughter from Nashville jumps out and yells "Happy Birthday!" Then I see my daughter from Lakeland, my son-in-love, the grand babies, and the girls Dad. They all came in to surprise me for my birthday and Mother's Day!!!! Dan had arranged it all somehow and boy was I surprised!!!!!
My two girls!
Well, they stayed Saturday night and then everyone had to go home on Sunday..
But, Dan and I left on Wednesday (no volunteering again) for a quick trip down to Lakeland for Lorelai's Pre-K graduation!
There was a very nice program with the other classes singing a song and then the 5 year olds "graduating".
Then they also sang a couple of songs.
Lorelai received a lot of flowers from all the family - these are just some of the them. Where are the others????
This little monkey - who did an awesome job singing - didn't understand why big sister got all these flowers and all she got was one from her Nana and P. She sat in my lap and cried cause she didn't understand. Well, when everyone went into the lobby, Lorelai didn't want to hold ALL the flowers she got so- Adalyn decided she could help and all the tears went away!
She knew they weren't "hers" but it didn't seem to matter - as long as she was able to hold them an have her picture taken.
I have all kinds of pictures that I took of the graduation itself, but for some reason I can't get to the photo's on my computer - these were on my phone. I don't know!
Oh well!!!!
We had to leave first thing Friday morning because Dan had another doctor's appointment with his heart doctor on Friday afternoon at 4. So, we came home, unpacked the car, got the puppy settled back in, did a couple of loads of laundry, jumped back in the car and headed for Lake City. The doctor changed another one of his medicines and wants to see him the first of June for a new Echo and then it will be decided if he is going to have surgery or what our next step is.
This week has been pretty quiet - it rained almost all day Tuesday and Wednesday (which meant I had two visitors in the shop - Dan and Dan. He brought me my coffee I forgot and then came and picked me up.) Not real busy!!!
We've done a couple of small projects around the house and we did work in the yard some on Thursday - trying to get the yard raked and Dan still wants to plant some grass. Next week we MIGHT be getting a couple of pallets of sod which we are going to use in the front yard. We shall see.
June and July look like they are going to be busy months as well. I will TRY and do a better job of posting, but I won't promise.
We are having some friends over for dinner tomorrow to celebrate Memorial Day - just some country ribs, corn on the cob, potato salad, and some baked beans. I'm not sure yet what we will have for dessert, but I'll figure something out.
For my American friends - please remember what this holiday is all about. It's not just the "first weekend of summer". It's a time to remember all those that gave their all that we might live in freedom.
Hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend.
Well, I was finally able to get the pictures to download - so I'll share a few.
Dan out on the back patio with a small fire.
(You might be able to see his "purse")
Well, I was finally able to get the pictures to download - so I'll share a few.
Dan out on the back patio with a small fire.
(You might be able to see his "purse")
My Love
A few pictures of the girls before the graduation
Her "American Flag dress"
Lorelai showing some "sass"
(some of these are blurry - sorry)
Ada -- upfront and center
Receiving her diploma
Second row
That's all for now!!!
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