Wednesday, November 29, 2017

What day is it????

That seems to be my mind set lately - there is so much going on that I have a hard time keeping track of the days.  Thank goodness I have a calendar that goes with me everywhere.  Well, let's see if I ca get everyone caught up with the happenings around here.

My last post I left you with our Pal Night trip into town to fill their Operation Christmas Child box.  I had a meeting with one of the Vice Presidents on Tuesday to discuss the refreshments that would be served at the Annual Membership Meeting the first week of November.  Wednesday I worked my shift at the store and came home to get ready for another pontoon boat ride that afternoon.  The ride was scheduled for 5 and we always go down about a half hour early to get everything set up and be there to greet everyone.  Well, at about 4:15 Dan looks at me and said "I don't think I can walk down to the boat."  To which I very calmly replied "WHAT?  WHY????"  He proceeds to tell me that he is having some 'tightness' in the chest.  WHAT?????  A quick call to the cardiologist (who said go to the ER) and another ever quicker call to a stand by captain of the pontoon boat and we were off to Lake City to the ER.  (Yes, there is a hospital in Live Oak, but it doesn't have a very good reputation and the hospital in Lake City specializes in heart issues.  Well, to make a long story somewhat short they decide to keep him overnight for observation.  There was no sign of a heart attack - but they wanted to monitor him for 24 hours.  It was close to 10 before I got home Wednesday night and then I was up bright and early to get to the hospital Thursday morning thinking they would release him that morning.  WRONG!  He was not released until almost 9 PM and once again it was after 10 before we made it back home.  He is feeling much better and we have started back to the fitness center, but it sure did put a scare into us!

We had plans for some friends to come and stay for the weekend to celebrate Neil's birthday, but due to Dan's little episode it was decided to postpone the visit until after the holidays.  We did go down to Neil and Carol's for lunch on Saturday and we were able to give Neil his card and wish him a happy birthday.

Dan was up to a pontoon boat trip on Sunday afternoon, after church.  It was a little chilly on the water, but it was a beautiful day.

Sunday evening we had rehearsal for the Christmas production called Bethlehem and Beyond.  Dan will be one of the Wise Men during the first act and a disciple during the second.  I am just helping out as a "director" since I will not be here when the production is being presented.

Monday the 30th a lady was suppose to come and look at some things my mom wanted to sell, but she had to reschedule due to the birth of a grandchild.

Tuesday was Halloween.  We probably had over 200 kids come for Trick or Treating between 6 and 7:30.  I ran out of candy and during a lull in the kids we quickly went into the house and turned off the outside light, which is a sign to the parents that we are no longer participating.  I think everyone on our street pretty much did the same and by 8 all the little ones were gone.

My daughter sent me some pictures of the girls all dressed for Halloween.

Wednesday, after my shift, we had to make another trip to Lake City for Dan to get a Holter Monitor and have an ISTAT blood test.

Thursday was an Executive Board Meeting..  This was the last before the big Annual Membership Meeting - remember where I said that I was glad that I had finished my term as Secretary.  Well, not so fast.  Seems like the lady who was suppose to take my place backed out and they couldn't find anyone else to do the job.  So, they asked me to continue for another year.  I couldn't leave them in a bind so, I will be Secretary for another year.

Friday morning we had our street breakfast at the café.  Then a quick trip to Lake City to return the Holter Monitor before coming home and doing another pontoon boat excursion.  Then we had a meeting with a nurse from Blue Cross/Blue Shield - part of their annual "wellness" visits.  Then another "moonlight" boat ride at 8 Friday evening.

Saturday, being the first Saturday of the month, meant it was Market Day.  We picked up some smoked ribs for dinner and then went to a garage sale at one of our neighbor's house that has recently sold.  We picked up a few items including a new coffee table for the living room and a beautiful carved chest for the family room.  I also picked up a few decorative items.  We spent the afternoon rearranging furniture in the family room to make room for our new purchases.  The only item of furniture that we can't find a place for is a small farm table that we have had since we lived in Lakeland before moving to North Carolina.  It will probably go in Dan work room for the time being until we decide if we want to sell it or donate it.

Sunday was church, another ride on the river, and then rehearsal Sunday evening.

Monday the lady came to look at the stuff at Mom's.  We ended up selling a lot of things, but not to that lady.  Another friend who has a booth in an Antique Mall bought the things from Mom at a much better price.  Mom is in a "getting rid of stuff" mood and even decided to donate a lot of things to the village - so after loading the van down with stuff we cleaned out a lot of the "junk" around her house.

Tuesday was another busy day with ANOTHER boat trip and the Annual Membership Meeting Tuesday evening.  We also squeezed in a trip to town to pick up some dog food, bird seed, and some items for Mom.

Wednesday was my shift at the store and then another trip on the river.  Thursday we had our fifth boat ride in a week followed by an Executive Board Meeting (the third membership meeting this month) and then another meeting with the maintenance guy on the boat.  I was suppose to meet with Dan and Steve - but the executive board meeting went for two and a half hours and I missed it.  (I have some strong misgivings about this board - but I'll give it a little bit before I make my feeling known)

Friday I got the house straightened, typed up all the minutes (Annual meeting and Thursday's), laundry, and then we headed into town to help decorate the float for Veteran's Day.

All decorated and ready for Saturday's parade.

Oh, I forgot!  Tuesday we also met with someone who will be doing the Pergola.  We decided that Dan is just not up to doing it all by himself, so we have hired someone to do the heavy work and Dan will help when he can.  Eric is scheduled to begin it on December 4th and says it will take him less than a week to get it built.

Saturday morning we got up early and instead of going into town for the parade we went to Shady Grove Baptist Church for their annual Fall Festival.  They fix all kinds of goodies for the community, all free of charge - from sausage and gravy to great northern beans to cornbread and "elephant ears".  They have cane grinding and corn meal grinding.  It is an interesting event and we have gone every year since we have been back.

Sunday was another rehearsal for the Christmas production - then Monday morning we were up early and headed to Jacksonville.  Why???  Well, a new IKEA store opened in Jacksonville the week before (we were suppose to go to the grand opening on Wednesday, but we had that Executive Board Meeting and the pontoon boat ride, so we waited until Monday).  Why were we going to IKEA, other than the fact that it's IKEA?  Well, it was decided that it was time to finish up the laundry room and finally install the cabinets and pantry.  I am so excited and I can't wait to show you how well it turned out - but there are a few little finishing touches that Dan wants to do before I show you.  He did have most of it done before Thanksgiving, but not before a second trip to Jacksonville (will explain that in another post).

Tuesday was a trip to Valdosta to the urologist with a quick stop in Sam's Club for the Thanksgiving ham and a few supplies.  Wednesday was my shift then the craziness started on Thursday - The day started with fasting labs for Dan, then mom had a eye appointment at 9:30 which drug on and on.  We finally had to stop and reschedule to finish up with all the testing because Mom was getting so frustrated and Dan had a doctor's appointment at the cardiologist in Lake City at 12:20.  Then we made that second trip to Jacksonville.

Friday was the Builder's Guild dinner here in the village and Saturday I headed down to Ocala to pick the girls up for the week.  Melissa and Justin came in on Wednesday and then Crystal and the girls dad came in on Thursday morning.  I fixed lunch and mom even came down for the meal.  We were actually sitting at the table and eating by 1:30 - not too shabby.  The kids stayed until Saturday before everyone heading back home leaving me with a virus - went to the doctor today and it is NOT the flu.

 My oldest daughter with the babies (who really aren't babies anymore - when did that happen??)

 My youngest daughter, her husband, and the girls.
 Dan and I - with me sick.

I have been working this week trying to get the house decorated for Christmas, but it is going really slow as I have absolutely no energy.  Hopefully, this thing will pass quickly and I'll get everything done that needs to be done.

Well, I think that has you all caught up - I actually started this two weeks ago, but with everything that's been going on I just hadn't had time to finish it up.

Anyway, hopefully, I'll be able to stay on top of things now.  That will be my goal for next year - we'll see how long that lasts.  Until next time!


Where does time go?

I have really fallen off the blogging wagon I guess.  I can't seem to get a schedule down so I don't post - but it's been almost...