Monday, December 5, 2016

Guess I'm just doing a once a month post

Lately it seems that I can only get a post done once a month.  Things have been so, so busy around here it is really getting to be ridiculous. 

I guess I'll start the first of November - the first we had the Annual Membership Council meeting on the first and I was elected to the office of Secretary.  I thought I was going to be the Assistant Secretary  - but no, I'm "the" Secretary.  I was also told that we only met once a month but that isn't true either.  Seems like I was a sucker and have fallen into the trap - but someone has to do it so it might as well be me. 

I am now volunteering once a week at one of the gift shops down at the Village Square.  It is another way to give back to the community and I enjoy seeing all the new things every Wednesday morning.

Thursday I had another Membership Council meeting and then Thursday night we had a "Live at Dowling Park" series presentation.  November's presentation was the pianist Thomas Pandolfi and he was excellent.  His program was music by Gershwin and Marvin Hamlisch.  Beautiful program.

Friday morning was our street's Breakfast meeting at the Village Café (we have our meeting once a month) and Saturday was the Fall Festival at the Baptist Church.  Sunday after church - we helped move the costumes for the Nativity presentation from our friends house to the Harmony Center.

Monday, 11/7, Dan had fasting labs first thing and I had my annual doctors appointment.  My doctor didn't like the way my thyroid glad felt, so I she made an appointment to have an ultrasound done later in the week.  Then we went down to choose our costumes for the play presentation.

Wednesday I did my shift at the gift shop then Dan and I headed up to Valdosta for a quick trip to Sam's.  Thursday we went into t own and helped our friends decorate the Veteran's Day float. On our way back home we stopped and attended a FDOT presentation for the new bridge that will be built crossing the Suwannee River.  The construction will start late in 2017 and won't be finished until 2019.

Friday morning, instead of going to the parade, we headed to Madison for my ultrasound.  Still waiting to get the results.

After a quiet weekend we started our crazy schedule again on Tuesday with Dan's doctor's appointment (we'll need to work on the weight issue).  Then I had a hair appointment before our first Play rehearsal of many.  We had play rehearsal every night except Wednesday and Friday.  

Friday night we had the Builder's Guild dinner which was a fun and interesting evening.  Dan and I received a plaque for our contribution to the Village.  Who knew that we had donated so much to warrant an invitation to the dinner and be included in the Builder's Guild.

We only had one rehearsal Thanksgiving week and it's a good thing as I came down with a cold on Sunday.  I was still able to go to rehearsal and do my shift at the gift shop, but I was ever so grateful that I was NOT cooking this Thanksgiving.  None of the girls were here and Mom decided to have dinner with some friends on her street - so Dan and I went to the Dining Room with Carol and Neil for the Thanksgiving buffet.  So worth the $10 each - plus we had a to go box, since we had bought three tickets before we knew Mom didn't want to go.  That was nice because I didn't have to worry about feeding Dan later and was able to come home and go to bed.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I packed up all the fall decorations and got all the Christmas decorations up (except outside).  I was really surprised that I got it all done, since I still hasn't feeling all that great, but I was very happy that I did.

Family Room Tree

 The new mantel and bookshelves

Living Room tree

Entry way table

I really didn't go overboard this year - and kept things pretty simple.  We did put a small tree on our dresser in the bedroom, but there are no decorations on it - just lights, pinecones, red berries, and faux snow.

I was also able to use the pinecones that I bleached in an arrangement for the dining room table.  They turned out really nice with the plates from Pier 1 and the antler napkin holders from Pottery Barn.

The coffee bar area is also done in red and black.

Monday, the 28th, was the dress rehearsal - and I was changed from a villager to one of the angels (type casting???? Ha Ha).  Our first performance was Tuesday night at 7PM and there was well over 100 people there.  It was a good thing I didn't have a speaking part - as my voice was gone.  Dan was an awesome Wise Man.

Wednesday I still did my shift even though I wasn't feeling that good - but I think it did me good to get out. When I got home from my shift I sat down and made up the invitations for the Christmas Open House - addressed all the invitations and got them ready for the mail.  Then I wrote the Christmas letter, got the Christmas cards out, addressed them, stuffed the ones that needed the letter and  was ready to get everything in the mail.  Woot! Woot!!

I changed my cold medicine on Thursday and by 7 that night I was feeling much, much better.  The Thursday and Friday night presentation was also very well attended - in fact, we had to get additional chairs out so everyone would have a seat.  I guess there were close to 200 people at both nights presentations.  Oh!  I also got the invitations and the cards in the mail on Friday.

Saturday morning we were up early and in town to decorate the float for the Christmas parade.  Dan did something to his knee - so we came home for about an hour after the float was finished before we had to be back for the parade.  Once again I was an angel on the float while Dan drove the vehicle that pulled the float.  Our friend Bud always likes to be able to jump out and handle any difficulty with lights or sound system should they arise.  Thank goodness there were no difficulties and everything turned out great.  We were also able to keep up with the score of the Alabama/Florida game - and I'll just say Roll Tide ROLL!!!  (54-16)

Sunday Dan spent most of the day in his chair with ice on his knee.  We did attend a "Cookies and Cocoa" get together at the neighbors - but we drove the golf cart to their house and Dan sat the whole time while there.  We decided not to go to the community tree lightening and stayed in so he could rest his knee.
So, the evening was spent in front of the TV watching some football and eating a pizza.

You are now all caught up - I will TRY and post more frequently, but I won't guarantee it!    So, in case I don't, I hope that any of you still reading this blog have a very Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Year's!!!!


Where does time go?

I have really fallen off the blogging wagon I guess.  I can't seem to get a schedule down so I don't post - but it's been almost...