Monday, January 1, 2018

Hello 2018

Happy New Year everyone!  Dan and I welcomed the New Year in by sleeping!  Yep, we went to bed around 9 PM and I read for awhile before turning over and going to sleep.  We are such party animals!!!  LOL!!!!

Today I'm spending the day watching football - ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!! and also starting my Bullet Journal (going to try something different this year).  We have lots of hopes and goals for the new year. 

I don't make "resolutions", but I do think about what I would like to accomplish in the new year and I pick a word as a beacon to follow during the year.  This year my word is "INTENTIONAL".  So, what does that mean?  Well, for me,  a lot of things.

First, I want to be "intentional" in my relationships - whether that means more intentional "me" time or special times with Dan.  It also means to be intentional with fostering my relationships with friends (lunch/coffee with girlfriends once a month) and being more attentive to my mom.

Next, I want to be "intentional" in our finances.  We have some big goals this year with the house which means we will need to save some big amounts of money to get it accomplished without big debt.  We are blessed that we have no credit card debt and we want to strive to make sure we continue.  We also want to work on paying the principal down on the HELOC on mom's house (she did a HELOC instead of a mortgage).  We also want to build our "general" saving account up to a specific amount - this does not take into account the house project account.  We have been really good the last couple of years and we just want to continue and expand a little on what we have been doing.

Then I want to be "intentional" in relationship to my health and fitness.  I have sorta put myself on the back burner and haven't worked that hard on myself - so, I want to put myself back in the equation.  I want to lose 21 pounds and I want to work on my fitness level too - my goal is to walk an hour a day, but the next 30 days I am on a walking challenge to get myself up to 10,000 steps a day that is recommended (right now I average 5,000 - 6,000).  Dan and I both got FitBit's for Christmas which should help.  I'll be sharing how that goes on the blog.

I want to be more "intentional" with my time - not spending so much time on the Internet (Facebook, Pinterest, Amazon, games) and more on things that make a difference in our life - from spending more time on the house (cleaning, cooking, etc) and more time reading.  I also want to be spend more time building my relationship with God.

And Finally, I want to be more "intentional" with the blog.  I've thought quite a bit about the blog and what I wanted to do - do I just want to stop writing or do I want to devote more time to it?  I enjoy writing my blog (although you couldn't tell that with what I did in 2017 - once a month - REALLY????) so, I have decided that I want to continue.  Which means I need to make sure I post more.  I'm just going to share my life - there might be some DIY projects posts, some landscaping posts, some decorating, some health/fitness posts, some travel posts, and maybe even some posts about the babies.

So, as you can see, I have a lot of goals and aspirations for the new year.  Let's see if I can keep my focus and stay on track.



  1. Hey there! Happy New Year! I was a huge party animal to, alone at home with the dog :) I did go to bed after midnight, mostly because the fireworks in the city were louder then what Lily is used too.
    I really like the plans you have with being more intentional in many areas of your life. We stopped making New years resolution a long time ago, usually those don't stick for long and then you are disappointed with yourself, your approach seems more real. Hugs, Sue

    1. Thanks Sue! Happy New Year to you and Rolf!!! I really hate doing resolutions for the reasons you stated - you keep them for about a week (if that) and then you are really down on yourself for not doing it. I've tried the word to concentrate on before and it seemed to work better, so I am going to try it again.
      Hope all is going well with the new job! Stay warm my friend!


Where does time go?

I have really fallen off the blogging wagon I guess.  I can't seem to get a schedule down so I don't post - but it's been almost...