Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday's Menu

Hello everyone!  I hope that you all had a fabulous weekend - I know that MM and I had a great week last week and were very busy this past weekend helping my daughter and sil paint the nursery and start getting ready for the new baby.  This is such an exciting time for all of us - and to tell the truth, I'm really enjoying helping with the nursery! (All the pictures and an explanation of what we are doing will be posted in the future - I just want everything done so you will be able to see the great room we are creating for Lorelia!)

Now, on to the real reason for this post - the menu plan!  Well, we did NOT do real well staying on target last week, but I had a really good reason why.  We went camping (finally!) and it was WONDERFUL

This is our camping spot down in the Keys - doesn't MM look comfortable?
We really lucked out with our last minute reservations - usually you can't get a spot right on the water, but I called the Reservation Line for Florida State Parks on Monday and made our reservations for three days - starting on Tuesday night!  We were at Bahia Honda State Park and it was the best three days EVER!  We didn't do anything except relax, eat and sleep - and MM did most of the cooking outside - which is even better! 

However, we did vary from the menu plan as we had grilled Hamburgers and Country Ribs (along with corn on the cob and baked potatoes). Now, that does not mean that I busted the budget - all the food we took with us was from our freezer.  So, while it may not have been "on the menu plan" for last week,  I had everything in house - so NO trip to the grocery store!  Plus, there were so many left-overs that those two items were all we needed for the three days - and we even brought home hamburgers for lunch at home!  I'll do a post on the trip later in the week, but just know that we saw some wonderful wildlife that I have some neat pictures of!

So, what about this week?  Well, I'm determined to get back on the plan this week, since we are back home!  I'll also get all the figures ready from the budget to see how we did over all last month and what I have planned for this month.  (Yes, if you are looking at the picture above - it is the February calendar - but IF you look closely you will see that  the first week and a half of March is at the bottom.  Don't worry, I'll have the March calendar next week!)

Now, here is the plan for this week:

Monday, March 5 - Chicken Salad
Tuesday, March 6 - Waffles & Bacon
Wednesday, March 7 - Easy Pork Chops & Potato Dinner
Thursday, March 8 - Easy Taco Soup
Friday, March 9 - MOVIE NIGHT - Homemade Pizza
Saturday, March 10 - Birthday dinner out
Sunday, March 11 - Grilled Chicken

As you know, MM does not seem to like the idea of "Taco Soup", since every time I have TRIED to fix Taco Soup  he comes up with some excuse for me NOT to fix it - but I'm going to try this one more time. IF he comes up with an excuse not to eat the soup this Thursday - well, it will be taken permanently off the menu options.  Sometimes you have to do what you have to do.  Just remember - it doesn't matter how good something is (or economical) - if your family won't eat it - then you just need to let it go and move on to something else!

So, how did you do last week with your menu plan?  Did you stay with the plan or stray some?  What's on for this week?  I'd love to know, so leave me a comment so I know if I'm not the only one who has to come up with something else when the plan doesn't meet with the family function.

Take care and I'll "see" you soon!



  1. I have a great taco soup recipe. Dan should give it a try!

    1. Donna - He FINALLY let me cook the Taco Soup last night - I have pictures that I will post on Monday with next week's menu. (Wonder of wonders - he LIKED it!) MEN - LOL!


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