I fixed lunch (grilled cheese and soup) and dinner (grilled b.b.q. chicken and corn on the cob). Then we made our evening rounds. There are a lot of people in the park for the weekend - I guess a lot of people like to camp out for Father's Day - there really isn't a whole lot of choices here and it is a good family entertainment.
We met a nice boy today that is camping in our backpacker's loop. He hitchhiked all the way from Montreal. He is on summer break from college - he just graduated with a bachelor's in Physics and is going back to get his Master's in Mathematics. Then on to get his PhD. so he can teach at "the university". He wants to learn Spanish so he bought a book today and is working on it (only the young!). We meet all kinds of neat kids here - many are backpacking - like a couple yesterday from San Francisco - they were on their way to Denali to meet her parents. Then we have the kids that work with SAGA (don't ask me what it stands for - I have no idea), but they are building trails and bridges for the state - and they are all young men and women who are working 10 hour days and sleeping in tents at night (they all have their own individual tent). They work 10 on and then 6 off. It is not easy work, but oh the stories they will be able to tell when they are my age! It is fun getting to talk to these kids and getting to know a little about their lives. I don't know, maybe that's the teacher in me - just always curious.
Well, as you can probably tell, I really didn't have anything special to talk about tonight - just thought I would let you know about some of the people that we have met so far this summer.
We have been here a month tomorrow - time seems to be going by quickly. Next Sunday is the Whale Watching Tour (yahoo!). Can't wait for that!!!
I guess I'll sign off for tonight - oh, the pictures. Of course, the top one is Samantha, one of the two "fat daschunds" and -------
I hope you all have a great weekend - take care and --------------------
I'll talk to you tomorrow!!!!
We were at my sister's in Raton, NM, one year when they had a rally. Not nearly as big as the one in Albuquerque, but about 30 balloons. Darrell got to help put one up and Sherry actually rode in it. It was early in the morning in conjunction with a pancake festival. Absolutely gorgeous!!! Hope you get to go.
Thank you for the picture of St. Teresa. She is referred to as "the Little Flower" and is always shown with a bouquet of flowers. We are in Michigan now and attending the dance recital tonight. We've had rain almost every night but great days. I'll take it!! We are here until 7/1 then on to Hillman, MI. Love your stories and pictures. I'm not keeping up but do what I can, when I can. Hugs, Donna