Sunday, February 28, 2010

At the Lodge to Post

Well, I came up to the Lodge this afternoon to be able to post on the blog. I still can't get any reliable signal at the RV - we are down in a hollow and I can't get an air card signal (but I can still get cell phone - never had that happen before) and we can't get any TV signal (wouldn't be able to even if we had the satellite). I don't know what we are going to do about the satellite - probably nothing; although Dan has talked about me calling to see if Dish has a "vacation" package also - some people have told us that they do. If they do, then we could go ahead and get the satellite back and then just put it on vacation for now. I don't know what to do really - I want to have TV but we aren't going to be able to get it here one way or another. Who would have thought, with us this close to town that we would be having problems - guess I have been away from the mountains for too long!

Tomorrow we start training - as I said I am going to be working in store - so, I have to learn about all the merchandise and how to work the cash register and close up. We will have training on Monday and Tuesday, then orientation on Wednesday. Then we will see what our schedule will look like. It should be interesting - I think the biggest problem is going to be the TV issue. I really don't miss it that much - I will come up to the Lodge (they have TV's in the common areas) and see if I can watch the final Bachelor episode tomorrow night, but if I don't it won't be a big deal.

Tomorrow, after training we will go into Cleveland and see if we can find a cell phone booster for my air card. I have been told that the booster will allow me to pick up the signal - I certainly hope so - really the computer thing has been the biggest issue here in my opinion. It is just a real pain in the you know where not to be able to get on line. I didn't realize how much I depend on the computer - from getting the local weather to playing "Farmville" - yes, that is my main past time. (If you know of anyone who wants to be my neighbor let me know - I'm always needing new neighbors! LOL!)

We have met all the other hosts here - in fact, we came up to the Lodge for dinner last night as one couple left today - That's the reason I had the short post last night. It was fun and we had a good time - lots of laughter! I am looking forward to getting to know everyone around here - it certainly seems like a good crew to work with so far. I'll keep you posted.

In case you are wondering - the picture at the beginning of the post was taken out the back window yesterday morning - there were five deer that feed through yesterday - they were just in the back of the unit. I was quite surprised that they were that close.

Yesterday we spent most of the day getting the campsite set up - we got the garage up - the solar lights out (I gave those to Dan for Christmas and this is the first time he has put them out). I have a tablecloth on the picnic table and the St Patrick's Day flag out also. I also spent some time doing laundry in the unit - I washed jeans and hung them out on the new "clothes line" - they didn't get completely dry - but close enough that when I put them in the dryer in the house they dried in just a little while. I also did two other loads and dried them in the dryer also. Then I did three loads today - one I hung out (Dan's flannel shirts) and the other two I did in the house. I will put his shirts in the dryer tonight just to soften them up and finish drying them, in case they aren't all the way dry yet. We'll see how that goes, but it is nice to have everything all caught up again.

I think that I have you pretty well all caught up now. Hopefully, I will have the air card booster tomorrow and I can post at the "house". Will let you know about that tomorrow. I will also fill you in on how training goes and when we will have our schedule. Hope you all had a great weekend and those of you that have to go back to work tomorrow have a good week. (Oh, by the way, it is suppose to snow here on Tuesday. Wouldn't that be something! If it does, I'll be sure to take pictures for you.)

Well, I need to run - have to go home and cook dinner! Take care and -------------------

I'll talk to you tomorrow (hopefully from home!)


  1. I am real interested in how you solve the air card issue. I presume you use a Verizon Air Card. I have always been able to get on as long as I have a phone signal. I don't think I could exist without internet access. Now Tv, I could do without. In your situation, I would just make it a regular part of my daily routine to go to the lodge to get on line. Good luck. I'm enjoying your posts.

  2. you might have to take it to a verizon store and make sure it is set up to "ping" off of the local verizon tower. coverage is spotty in the mountains, and the phone signal is not the same as a data signal. it has to be a "bigger" signal and that might not work where you are even if you are able to talk on the phone.


Where does time go?

I have really fallen off the blogging wagon I guess.  I can't seem to get a schedule down so I don't post - but it's been almost...